You know you're a parent leaving for vacation when you realize you've done everyone's laundry but your own. Hello, my name is Maria and I'm leaving for vacation soon and I haven't done my laundry.  Everyone else will have...
Summer is the best, isn't it?  We ALL look forward to summer.     I'm not going to lie, I may or may not have a summer countdown.     Now, it's not your traditional countdown it's more of a "Mom" Countdown. My child...
Wanna know how your parenting stacks up against others? Take this quiz and find out if you are a bad mom! 1. Have you ever: A) Accidentally locked your child in the car? B) Fed your family a meal made from a...
I'm from Iowa.  Moving to California was part of my big adventure as a newly graduated college kid.  I experienced a lot of social changes after moving to the Golden State.  However, nothing quite prepared me for moving to...
Not unlike most stories, mine begins on an average day. It's Tuesday. I drop my toddler off at preschool while my one-year-old twins are supervised by a trusted adult. Little can prepare me for what's in store upon my...
How to Get Your Kids to Go to Bed at Night There are so many ways and theories and strategies and books and blog posts about getting your kids to go to bed at night.  Right?  There are even some...
Looking for aaaaallll the info on what it's like to do pandemic parenting? Need to commiserate about how parenting during a pandemic is making you lose your mind a little (or a lot)? Feeling like it's impossible to juggle...
Winter break is on day 8,694,938,234,567,983.5 at our house - which means I've succumbed to letting my kids play A LOT of video games - because I just don't know what else we can possibly do. However, instead of my...
Ohmygawd you girls, I don't know about you, but I can't WAIT for retirement! Not mine of course because as a SAHM and a mother, in general, you never really retire, but I mean retirement from working a "real"...
The perfect valentine

The Perfect Valentine?

  I have a confession to make - I love gifts.  In fact, I love gifts so much that when someone gets me a gift that doesn't make any sense I actually feel offended.  Now, before you stop reading and...
Maybe I’ve spent too many evenings reading Green Eggs and Ham to my son, but for some reason, it comes to mind when I think about the trials and tribulations of breastfeeding. I am so glad to be able to...
My husband is a golfer. He has been a golfer as long as I've known him. I know there are more partners of golfers out there. So, you know you're a golf widow when... You casually prepare plans around golfing...
When you have children you deal with a lot of poop, and the occasional poopmageddon or pooptastrophy if you will.  Let's face it: as parents of small children, we talk about poop a lot.  We smell it, we examine it,...
  My husband and I decided to go on a date night. Actually the church we attend offered free babysitting so we really couldn't NOT go.  In theory, date night sounds awesome, right? You get to spend a few hours without your...

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In + Around Orange County

OC Mom Guide – Orange County Events May 2024

It's the month of May and you know what that means! Well...actually here in Orange County, May 2024 means a lot of different things....

OC Moms Guide – March 2024