My husband and I were trying to get pregnant.  I assumed it would take at least six months to a year based on some of my friends' experiences.  However, when the very first pregnancy test came back positive I...
It's official, I'm pregnant with my second child and boy is it different. Between the worry over losing this pregnancy and the busy life of raising a toddler, I have to say this second pregnancy is just astronomically different...
Yesterday we celebrated the wedding of my brother-in-law. It was a beautiful wedding and I am extremely happy that I was blessed to be a part of it to witness their love story. The beginning of their new lives...
Third pregnancy. You’d think your body has “been there done that!” That is a lie in my case.  First two pregnancies seemed like a breeze! A cake walk! And I still get questioned, “are you sure you’re having another girl...
From balloons in boxes to candy filled cakes to cracking eggs on your forehead, there is no shortage of ways to announce the gender of your baby. It's all super cute to watch and sometimes you even tear up....
This is a conversation that I had recently on a playground with another mom. "Do you pee when you cough?" She was asking this question with a look of embarrassment on her face because she was honestly afraid that she...
I always wanted three kids. To be exact, I wanted a boy, a girl, and then another boy. In hindsight, I am glad I had the girl first because after having my boy, I don't think we would have had...
If you’re reading this, then I’m going to assume you had a baby in recent memory. If so, I’d say that at some point you were advised to “do your Kegels regularly.” I’m also putting $100 on the fact...
Have you ever noticed how much influence societal norms can have on the family size you have? I mean, think about it—practically everything was designed for the two-kid household. Homes most often come in the three bed, two bath...
Dear my sweet, cute P.I.T.A (Pain In The You Know What) Challenging One-Year-Old Today is your first birthday and although we love you, a lot...I still don't know how we survived your first year.  Let me reminisce for a moment...
Labor was nothing like what I expected it to be.  From what I had heard from other mamas, it was supposed to be easy.  My water was supposed to break in the middle of the night, or in some...
When I was a new mom, a pelvic physical therapist visited my Mommy-and-Me class one day to educate us on postpartum health and wellness. I was eager to learn more about this topic because I didn't feel very knowledgeable...
Dear First-Time Mom, I see you.  I am SO here for you.  I was you not that long ago.  And trust me, you are NOT alone.  You are NOT a hot mess.  And you are doing a GREAT job....
I remember my first experience with anxiety like it was yesterday.  My parents had just told me that they were moving out of state to retire, leaving my brother and me to carry on our lives here in Anaheim...

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In + Around Orange County

OC Moms Guide – Orange County Events September 2024

Those long hot days of summer may be behind us. But there’s still many equally hot though perhaps not as long days of fall...