Maria Hoey

Maria Hoey
A native of Iowa, Maria moved to Los Angeles ten years ago. It's there that she met and married her husband, Brian. Maria has 2 boys who make her world go round and round and round and round... She also is a co-host on a hilarious podcast - They See Me Mommin'. When she isn't doing all things "mom" Maria enjoys reading, writing, baking, eating and LAUGHING!

I Feel Like I’m Drowning

There's a song that sometimes pops into my head.  The lyrics go something like you're only.  you're only seventeen.  you're only. you're only seventeen. It's almost...

Tricky Homeowners Insurance Questions and Answers {Sponsored Post}

Hello moms! If you’re a homeowner, you know there are lots AND LOTS of hidden costs and tricky jargon (not to mention the ONE...

I’m Old – And These Are The 6 Reasons Why.

Have you ever seen the show How I Met Your Mother?  If not, you need to finish reading this post and then Netflix it...
I didn't sign up for this

I Didn’t Sign Up For This.

When I married my husband we were living in Los Angeles.  Both of us commuted to our jobs, but that's what everyone does.  My...
The Almost Happened

It’s The “Almost Happened” That Keeps Me Up At Night

I love to sleep.  After having kids the feeling has only intensified.  Aside from the fact that my children hate sleeping and keep me...

Why We Need To Talk To Our Kids About SHAME

When I was in High School and College I did a lot of stupid things.  Kids tend to make a lot of mistakes during...

Launch Party {Recap}

Anaheim Moms Blog Launch Party was held at Painting UR Way in Anaheim Hills.  It was the perfect Thursday evening to kick off the...
the OC

You Know You AREN’T From the OC When…

I'm from Iowa.  Moving to California was part of my big adventure as a newly graduated college kid.  I experienced a lot of social...

AMA Skincare {Sponsored Post}

Disclaimer:  This is a sponsored post for AMA Skincare.  However, all opinions are 100% our own and we stand by AMA Skincare and all that...
love my husband

It’s Easy For Me To NOT Love My Husband

The other morning I was attempting to go to the bathroom in peace.  However, as a mother of a three-year-old and six-month-old, that never...

The 5 Most Dingbatty Things I Said BEFORE I Became A Mom.

Yes, I know, it's hard to believe that I could ever say anything dingbatty - yep made that word up too. However, before becoming...
The perfect valentine

The Perfect Valentine?

  I have a confession to make - I love gifts.  In fact, I love gifts so much that when someone gets me a gift...
My Top 10 Best "Kids Say"

My Top 10 Best “Kids Say”

I have to say that one of my favorite shows was "Kids Say the Darndest Things."  I loved that show even before I had...
5 Reasons Why My Baby Boy And My Husband Aren't All That Different

5 Reasons Why My Baby Boy And My Husband Aren’t All That Different

I must preface this by saying I am in love with my husband and I am also in love with my little baby boy....