Tricky Homeowners Insurance Questions and Answers {Sponsored Post}


couple on doorstep of new homeHello moms! If you’re a homeowner, you know there are lots AND LOTS of hidden costs and tricky jargon (not to mention the ONE MILLION signatures).

If you’ve been running into a lot of tricky questions about your home insurance policy, rest assured that you are not alone! Here are some of the biggest misconceptions on home insurance we’ve found.

Question 1: “Is structural damage caused by termites or other pests covered?”

While it would be excellent if our standard policy could protect against pests (and especially termites), this is not the case- which can be a little scary to those researching homeowners insurance! Instead it’s strongly recommended that, if you’re living in particularly prone regions (like, ahem, the arid deserts of California and Arizona), to consider a yearly termite inspection to detect any infestations and handle them before they grow out of hand.

Question 2: “Will homeowners insurance cover my medical bills if I am injured at home?”

Great question for our “Homeowners Insurance Questions and Answers” (and it’s clear how this could be assumed because of the liability insurance protection offered through your standard policy).

Unfortunately, the answer is “No”. While homeowners insurance may offer protection from lawsuits for you brought on by any injuries to guests inside your home (or those caused by the family pet), it doesn’t cover anything sustained by you or your family.

Question 3: “Does my standard policy cover natural disasters?”

This is probably one of the biggest misconceptions found when addressing these trickier policy misconceptions. Natural disasters, including earthquakes and floods, are excluded. That’s right, earthquakes aren’t covered in California (the earthquake capital of the U.S.). Instead, homeowners will need to purchase additional insurance to cover these events.

One good thing- often these additional policies are very affordable (and well-worth the peace of mind).

Question 4: “Will everything in my home be covered?”

Depends. For most of us, everything in our homes should be protected in case of burglary or theft. However, if you’ve got multi-million dollar art pieces hanging on your wall or if you’ve got priceless jewelry in your drawers, you will need some additional insurance to cover those items.

There you have it! Four big homeowners insurance questions, answered! Major things to remember, earthquakes are probably not covered (and that’s a big deal if you’re living near a fault line), termites are also not included (so have an exterminator on hand), your priceless works of art need extra insurance and no medical coverage for you or your family (but there are other types of insurance for that).

Now are you ready to start properly insuring your home from earthquakes, floods and art thieves?

Check out our website or stop in (psst…we are local to Anaheim too)

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Maria Hoey
A native of Iowa, Maria moved to Los Angeles ten years ago. It's there that she met and married her husband, Brian. Maria has 2 boys who make her world go round and round and round and round... She also is a co-host on a hilarious podcast - They See Me Mommin'. When she isn't doing all things "mom" Maria enjoys reading, writing, baking, eating and LAUGHING!