The vortex. You may not have heard this term before but you've definitely felt its pull. It's the feeling of being so wrapped up in parenthood that you lose all sense of yourself as an individual. Inside the vortex...
2019, the year of no resolutions. How many years have you spent the end of December thinking about what resolutions you want to set for the upcoming year? A new year, a new start. Fresh new resolutions, or recycled...
Own This Flu Season
'Tis the season for holiday lights, family time, and dare I even say it...the dreaded seasonal flu! As a mom it pangs me to have a sick kid, but nothing is worse than a toddler with...
I was hoping a follow up to my first Grieving While Being a Parent post would not need to come so soon after the first, but here I am.
I'm both dreading and feeling compelled to write this second post...
This past year I have been really cleaning out my "toxic" closet. One of the biggest yet easiest changes I made was deodorant. Conventional deodorants are usually made with ingredients that can be extremely harmful to your health. They...
Listen up ladies and gentlemen, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and breast cancer is no joke. The screening, the preventions, the diagnoses, the treatments are intense and not much fun.
However humor is healing. So why not make lemonade...
September was PCOS Awareness Month. What is PCOS? Medically it stands for PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome. That is a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. Is it painful...? For me yes, it can be. Meanwhile for some women...
This is a conversation that I had recently on a playground with another mom. "Do you pee when you cough?" She was asking this question with a look of embarrassment on her face because she was honestly afraid that she...
We’ve all seen the wine-o-clock memes on Facebook. They say things like, “It’s been one of those weeks…pass the wine” with an impressively large wine glass. Or perhaps they say, “If you combine wine and dinner, the new word...
Dry Shampoo.
I wouldn't say it saves my life. I wouldn't say I love it almost as much as my family. But almost....
I have decided that dry shampoo improves my mental health.
I'm going to talk about the shampoo first and...
Hold on to your potato launchers. This is going to get silly! I just finished reading another Erma Bombeck book so, I must share what I've learned. Plus, I read it around Independence Day, so the lesson is fitting!
In my practice, I specialize in maternal mental health. So I was incredibly excited to see the trailer for the movie TULLY which hit theaters on May 4th. If you are part of a mommy group on Facebook, chances...
Hello Friends! It’s been a while. Actually, nearly a year. I’ve had lots of run-ins with you in the real world and I keep hearing, “I haven’t seen you post anything lately….”
Why the sabbatical? Life got complicated. Fast. Where...
The flu was not messing around this year. You probably already knew that because it seems like no one was safe. In a home that rarely relies on medication (over-the-counter or otherwise) dodging even the common cold can be...