Maria Hoey

Maria Hoey
A native of Iowa, Maria moved to Los Angeles ten years ago. It's there that she met and married her husband, Brian. Maria has 2 boys who make her world go round and round and round and round... She also is a co-host on a hilarious podcast - They See Me Mommin'. When she isn't doing all things "mom" Maria enjoys reading, writing, baking, eating and LAUGHING!
blowout for dinner

Blowout For Dinner?

My husband and I were in that newborn-first-child-we-can-still-do-everything-we-did-BEFORE-we had-a-baby-phase.  We were young and naive.  Well, I was young.  He was just naive.  {LOVE YOU...
tired of feeling guilty

I’m Tired Of Feeling Guilty

I read an article the other day about a little girl who kept getting out of bed even though her mother had put her...
twenty minute trick

My Twenty Minute Trick

My Twenty Minute Trick I HATE cleaning.  No, I LOATHE it.  Which is worse hate or loathe?  Whichever one it is that's how I feel...
parent fails

Top 10 #ParentFails

We here at OC Mom Collective are basically perfect at parenting.  We pride ourselves in being the best parents EVER.  Mother's Day is our...
My Wedding Motto Was "I Don't Care"

My Wedding Motto Was “I Don’t Care”

It's true, the theme or motto of my wedding was "I don't care."  I'll happily admit that.  It's not like I didn't care that...
The Funny Things I Love About My Little Boy

The Funny Things I Love About My Little Boy

I love my little boy.  He's every bit as much me as he is his father.  Sometimes those attributes completely annoy me, and other...
what today is supposed to be

What Today Is “Supposed” To Be

This week has been rough.  Do you ever have one of those weeks where you just want to walk away? Literally, walk out the...
what were they thinking

What Were They Thinking?!

Do you ever see your child's actions and wonder, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?! I have those thoughts almost every single day.  It's only when I start...
first kid vs. second kid

First Child vs. Second Child

  There is definitely a difference in the way you parent your first kid vs. your second kid. When I was pregnant with my first child...

My Body After Baby Wasn’t Ruined After All!

Do you ever feel like you need to do something for yourself, but it may be too expensive or it's just a luxury that...
an open letter to my mom friends

A Letter To My Mom Friends

Dear Mom Friends, I think it's time you stopped being so hard on yourselves and realized how amazing you all truly are. You see, I've been...
tales from a date night disaster

Tales From A Date Night Disaster

  My husband and I decided to go on a date night. Actually the church we attend offered free babysitting so we really couldn't NOT...

Bloom :: An Event For New & Expecting Mothers

  Disclosure:: BLOOM is a sponsored event, made possible by partnerships with the companies mentioned in this post, however we would not work with a...

My Top 5 Easter Memories

Growing up Easter was a very important holiday for our family.   I distinctly remember the excitement I had to wear my special Easter dress...