So, you’re a mom who owns a small business, right? It’s hard enough to raise little ones while trying to survive during a literal global pandemic, but it’s another thing to do all of that AND run your business while social-distancing.
Imagine a world where it wasn’t so hard.
I have found that I can’t do everything myself. I can’t come up with all of the ideas, know all the different social media strategies – take all of my own photos. There just isn’t enough time in the day to be on top of the ever-changing algorithms, am I right?! Which is why I love Content + Connection.
Content + Connection is a monthly membership to help you show up with your best foot forward on social, connect with other entrepreneurs who totally get you, and the space to capture fresh photos & the inspiration you need to keep putting out creative content.
Sounds pretty great, right? Well, it is!
I know what you’re going to say, well, we can’t meet in person yet, and I have kids so I can’t do all of the meetups when they happen, and and and…
I get it, believe me, but the beauty of Content + Connection is that you can reap ALL of the benefits online. Yes, that’s right – if making it to an in-person meetup is preventing you from upping your small business social game then sign up NOW!
First, there’s a private Facebook group for Content + Connection members where you can connect with members from all over the country. On top of that, you’ll get monthly opportunities for hot seat coaching, exclusive guest expert training, and live video training on all things social media.
If that’s not enough there are tips and inspiration every month to help you create captions and photos for social media for your ideal customers.
Content + Connection also offers all members virtual planning parties, co-working days & virtual content meetups. You can attend all of these from the comfort of your own home.
AND exciting news – IN-PERSON meetups will begin in AUGUST!
It’s a small business owner’s dream.
Building a brand online for your small business is a full-time job – social media is a BEAST So why not make it easier for yourself?
Your small business will thank you!
Want to learn more? Check out this awesome video from Samantha – the owner of Content + Connection.