I love the Thanksgiving holiday because of all the delicious food we get to eat, gathering with friends and family, and especially no obligations for presents. It’s a time where we can focus on the present moment and give thanks to the world. Thanksgiving is a holiday that embodies the gifts of gratitude and love.
Practicing Daily Gratitude
I used to think we give thanks during the month of November, but why only in this month? I have brought this practice into my daily life by writing down at least three things I am grateful for to appreciate the present moment.
It’s a moment to realize that the world is full of abundance, just like the all the food on the dinner table on Thanksgiving Day. Also, in the reflection of gratitude is the sight of the future, just like those who broke bread at the first Thanksgiving feast for a more peaceful future.
It’s a time that we celebrate with laughter, being kind to one another, and can continue with spreading peace and positivity.
So let’s not forget about this special holiday. In a mom’s daily world of all the things we cannot control, I have used this gratitude practice to help me to look past most of those challenging moments with my children and see the possibilities of growing as a woman and mother.
Teaching Moment
I am beginning to teach my kids the gifts of gratitude. I was seeing that my kids wanted more, more, more of everything. They wanted more LEGO to build, more video games, more things to do. With all that in abundance in LEGO and games, they still manage to tell me they are “bored.”
I would normally go into a speech about all the things they have and should be grateful. But I thought to myself, do they even know what that means?
So, we started by talking about what we are grateful for.
Having these conversations started during those “bored” moments. Then I brought it into meal times and after school car rides. Now, when I hear my kids talk about what they are thankful for it makes my heart so happy.
Yes at first they were thankful for the big things: family, home, bedroom. Then at times, it would be the sweetest moment and they would say,
“I AM GRATEFUL for you, MAMA.”
Ours conversations about gratitude have also given my kids new ideas for their futures all on their own. A chance to dream in their daily lives. It’s fun to see them think about what they could be and ask me questions like, “Can I be…?” My answer of course is always YES!
The Gifts of Gratitude
The gifts of gratitude are so powerful that we have brought this practice into our household daily. It’s not perfect and we do have those days when we forget, but when that happens we know we can always go back to it. Giving gratitude daily should not be a chore, but a gift.
For this Thanksgiving and everyday, I wish you the gifts of gratitude so that we may all believe in the abundance and future our world has to offer.
Looking for a kid-friendly gratitude activity you can do this Thanksgiving? Try making a Gratitude Gourd using this easy and eco-friendly tutorial!