My last soccer game (not as a soccer mom but as a player) was the week before my doctor confirmed my pregnancy. The appointment was in the morning. I had an indoor game scheduled later that evening, with four...
Postpartum by definition is the 12-week period immediately after you have had your baby. But it is so much more than that, and it is not talked about or prepared for nearly enough. Preparing for postpartum is as important as...
WTH are all these acronyms about?! When I was pregnant, I prepared as best as I could. I read the books. I went to the classes. I avoided soft cheeses (mostly). What I did not prepare for was this new language...
There’s no doubt that the global pandemic of 2020/2021 has had challenges (lots of them). But there has been some silver lining and as an eternal optimist, I’m reflecting some of my favorite positive benefits to daily life it...
I know it’s not Mother’s Day anymore, but I love celebrating mamas everyday, because we are the most awesome beings on this planet. I've created a place where mamas connect and celebrate on the daily. I want to highlight...
Orange County Summer Bucket List for OC Families   Our Orange County Summer Bucket List for OC Families is here!! We are thrilled to partner with Caduceus Medical Group to bring you our Ultimate Guide to Summer Activities. Every year we search for...
Pandemic “quality time” – was that really a thing? Many people have praised what they perceived as the upside of the Pandemic – quality time with our families. I’m not sure about you, but in our home “quantity” time...
Now more than ever it is so important to me to use disinfecting wipes. I want to make sure that I am keeping all of our surfaces clean. Killing viruses and bacteria has never been more top of mind...
As life shifts into a slightly new normal and the busyness that we used to maneuver pre-pandemic begins to slowly pick up, how will you look back at parenting during the pandemic? And what will you change or keep...
If you ask my three-year-old why Mommy and Daddy were in the hospital for a week with his sister, he would tell you that the baby's brain is broken. I guess that this is a pretty accurate description. My daughter...
I had a pandemic baby and - surprising to everyone including myself - it was kind of great. Shocking! I know, a pandemic seems like the worst scenario to bring new life into the world. But somehow my experience, looking...

Do You Whole30?

Have you heard of this whole30? I didn't know it existed until a friend of mine came to a party talking about how she had just finished her whole30.  She said she lost fifteen pounds and felt amazing.  As she...
How To Talk About Periods I am not an expert by any stretch, but this is how I talked to my boys about periods. "Mom! Do you have blood coming out of your BUTT"?! My kids barge in on me when I'm...
My son is finishing up his first year in a MultiAge School Program and I couldn't be happier. One thing I have noticed is just how many people have never heard of the MultiAge School Program option. Is it you? Are...

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In + Around Orange County

OC Mom Guide – Orange County Events May 2024

It's the month of May and you know what that means! Well...actually here in Orange County, May 2024 means a lot of different things....

OC Moms Guide – March 2024