Mikaeya Kalantari

Mikaeya Kalantari
Mikaeya is a Kansas City native that recently found her way to Southern California while helping her husband to chase his dreams. She is a woman that wears many hats and is not only a wife and mother to twin five year old girls, but also a pediatric dentist and healthy living blogger. She resides in Mission Viejo where her and her husband and mother in law run a family dental practice - Sunshine Smiles Of Orange County. Outside of the dental office, you can find her and her family soaking in the sun and outdoor activities that their new California home offers them. Mikaeya lives by her motto: SMILE, Life Is Good! You can follow along with Mikaeya on Instagram (@coloryourhealth) or on her website (www.coloryourhealth.com).
Green School Year

7 Ways To Have A Green School Year

Going Green. What does “going green” really mean? To some, it is a trend that sounds good. To others it is a lifestyle that...
summer activities for kids

7 Simple And Fun Summer Activities For Kids Of All Ages

We have reached that point in summer vacation where many moms have exhausted their "things to do" and "places to go" lists with a...
Multi-Generational Living

True Life: My Story Of Multi-Generational Living In the OC

To get to the point of this tale, let me give you a one sentence summary of my life: I grew up in the...
keep young minds active

4 Simple Ways To Keep Young Minds Active This Summer

Now that the school year has almost come to an end – we can celebrate that it is almost summertime! While summer looks different...

Top 10 Instagram Accounts To Follow For At Home Workouts

With this pandemic dragging on, many people are looking to digital sources for at home workouts that won’t break the bank. Luckily, Instagram is...
Trader Joe's Holiday Favorites

My Top 20 Trader Joe’s Holiday Favorites

If I know one thing for sure, it’s that people love Trader Joe’s. While I can’t come out of there with spending less than...
50 Elf On The Shelf Accessories For A Magical Holiday Season

50 Elf On The Shelf Accessories For A Magical Holiday Season

That Holly Jolly time of year is almost upon us! Eeeeekk!! As exciting as the holidays are for me, they no doubt can bring...
My Top 20 Trader Joe's Fall Favorites

My Top 20 Trader Joe’s Fall Favorites

Any Trader Joe’s fans out there? I am what some might call a diehard fan. I love everything about Trader Joe’s. From the amazing...
COVID-19 Journey

The COVID-19 Journey Of A Small Business Owner

As I sit and reflect about these past several months, a roller coaster of emotions plays through my mind. Like in the movies when...
A Day In The Life Mama dentist

A Day In The Life Of: A Mama Dentist

This post is part of a weeklong series we’re doing here to document a typical day in the life of local moms during the COVID-19...

Present Over Perfect: On How To Live Post Quarantine

With a little extra downtime (understatement of the year) lately, I have been reading book after book. I have always been a bookworm, but...

The Unexpected Gift From My Experience As An Instagram Influencer

A few years back, when I had extra time on my hands, I started up a blog and Instagram for fun. I really started...
Family Dinner Time

The Lost Art Of The Family Dinner

There are many differences in the world now as compared to the one I grew up in. But there is one thing that I...
Survival Mode

The Beauty And Truth Of Parenting In Survival Mode

Before the new year, I remember reading something on social media that really struck a chord with me. Someone had posted that even though...