Melissa Fisher Goldman
I Didn’t Like My Daughter At First
I didn't like my daughter until she was about 4 and a half months old.
Before you judge or call family services I LOVED her...
Monday Holiday Woes For This Mom
Woe is me, Monday holidays are not for me.
I feel resentful and a bunch of other unwanted emotions every time there is a Monday...
Best Laid Plans
"Best Laid Plans." When this phrase is used it is usually followed by a "but" or a story of how that plan didn't...well...go as...
How to Talk to Your Children (and Yourself) About Violence
How to talk to children about violence, has been on my mind a lot in the last year.
I've been wanting to write this...
Positive Parenting Goals For The New Year
I started thinking about making positive parenting goals for the new year. I want to think more positive thoughts about my parenting and about being...
Making Lemonade Out Of Lemons: Husband Traveling Edition
Who doesn’t love some lemonade?
Ok so I know that alcohol isn't the healthiest of coping skills but sometimes responsibly and in moderation, it is...
Helping Grieving Children Get Through the Holidays
The holidays are coming, which as a mom can bring a lot of stress and grief of its own kind. However, for those families...
When My Son Is The King Of Stalling Before Bedtime
My 2.5 year old son is the King of Stalling. I know what you are saying right now: Oh no, my child stalls more...
Making Lemonade Out Of Lemons: Sleep Training Edition
Who doesn't love some lemonade?
Especially with a little lavender and vodka...and maybe a little mint...oh! The post. Right...sorry I got distracted.
So anyhoo... I...
One Breath Away
I was just one breath away from becoming a statistic as a parent. Ok, this might be a little dramatic, but it was touch...
I’d Like To Order One Family-Size Bubble Please
Does anyone know where I can buy a family-size bubble? I would like to stick everyone I love in a bubble and keep them...
What Every Parent Needs To Know About Children And Grief
Children and Grief. I know your first thought is "no thank you, I don't want to think about it." But trust me you want...
Helpful Information For New And Expectant Moms
So here is some excellent info for new and expectant moms.
I've been thinking a lot about this lately since I'm expecting myself.
I say...
We’ve All Judged a Book Its Cover
We've all judged a book by its cover, many times that book is another human being.
How many times has this judgment been detrimental...