Melissa Fisher Goldman

Melissa Fisher Goldman
I grew up in Orange County then went to Los Angeles (with a short detour in Santa Barbara) for college and spent the next 12 years there thinking that was home until I met my amazing, now husband on and moved back here to start our life together. I have a young son and daughter that are two years apart. They are thick as thieves and keep us laughing. I worked in Hospice care for 15 years and now I take Working Mom to a whole new dimension with a private mental health practice I worked hard with many jobs hustling for many years to grow my own business. I'm proud to say I'm helping people in my own office full time. The decision to quit my full time job working for some one else and to work towards creating much needed grief, trauma and self esteem support in Orange County fills my soul. I may not spend 24/7 with my kids but I plan to be role model to them and the time we have is all about quality not quantity. I'm working on a life/work balance but I find this is much easier when I love all aspects of my life and work and self.
social media relationships

Social Media: My Love/Hate Relationship

The other day the subject of social media came up, because have a love/hate relationship with social media. Here's how the conversation went: I said to a friend, "Sometimes I think of Facebook as a...
momming is hard

When You Have A “Rupture” With Your Child, The Important Part Is The “Repair”

The other night I had a "rupture" in communicating with my son.  In other words, I erupted. It wasn't the first time (although it probably was the largest eruption) and it probably won't be the...

Poopmageddon In The Desert: A Sequel

If you haven't read my first Poopmageddon post I highly recommend starting there. If I were to rate the experiences, the first was by far worse overall but this one was worse for me personally. ...
creating a healthy body

Creating a Healthy Body: it Will Happen When it Happens…. Stop Judging!

I'm working on getting healthier physically.  My intention is to be healthier body weight, increase my activity, improve posture, energy, and sleep.  In other words, do everything I can to be my healthiest me. As...
knowledge is power

Knowledge Is Power: How To Keep That Power Positive

Knowledge is power.  It is powerful, but sometimes that power creates anxiety and negative thoughts. I want to focus on how to keep this power positive, so I can reduce my mom anxiety.   This "knowledge is power"...

Grieving While Being a Parent Part 2: #Lovewins

I was hoping a follow up to my first Grieving While Being a Parent post would not need to come so soon after the first, but here I am.  I'm both dreading and feeling compelled...
Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Making Lemonade Out Of Lemons: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Listen up ladies and gentlemen, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and breast cancer is no joke. The screening, the preventions, the diagnoses, the treatments are intense and not much fun.  However humor is healing....
grieving while being a parent

Grieving While Being A Parent

Parenting is all about multitasking but what happens when one of those tasks is grief? I recently read a post from our sister blog in Providence called Grief: Saying Good-Bye When You’re “Not That Close.” I thought...
kids are amazing

My Kids Are Amazing (Don’t Worry, So Are Yours)

So here's the thing, my kids are AMAZING! Don't worry, it is not a competition. I'm sure your kids are amazing too. All kids are, in their own way, at their own speed.   It occurred to...
Dry Shampoo

How Dry Shampoo Improves My Mental Health

Dry Shampoo. I wouldn't say it saves my life. I wouldn't say I love it almost as much as my family. But almost.... I have decided that dry shampoo improves my mental health. I'm going to talk...

Poopmageddon At 15,000 Feet (Every Parent’s Worst Nightmare)

When you have children you deal with a lot of poop, and the occasional poopmageddon or pooptastrophy if you will.  Let's face it: as parents of small children, we talk about poop a lot.  We...
yelling at my kid

Making Lemonade Out Of Lemons: The Yelling At My Kid Edition

I recently found myself yelling at my kid. I know you have probably yelled at your kid. Frankly, I’ve done it more times than I’d like to admit.  But about a month ago I yelled...
let's stop the mommy shaming

Let’s Stop The Mommy (And Daddy) Shaming Now!

Don't pretend it doesn't exist or you haven't participated in it.... You know you have! If not of another mom, then you have for sure judged yourself. Oh yeah. Now you are listening. Let's...
thought process

The Thought Process Of A Mom

How all over the place is your thought process now that you are a mom?  I mean I was always good at thinking. For better or worse, the thoughts were flowing.  But it is like you...