Melissa Fisher Goldman

Melissa Fisher Goldman
I grew up in Orange County then went to Los Angeles (with a short detour in Santa Barbara) for college and spent the next 12 years there thinking that was home until I met my amazing, now husband on and moved back here to start our life together. I have a young son and daughter that are two years apart. They are thick as thieves and keep us laughing. I worked in Hospice care for 15 years and now I take Working Mom to a whole new dimension with a private mental health practice I worked hard with many jobs hustling for many years to grow my own business. I'm proud to say I'm helping people in my own office full time. The decision to quit my full time job working for some one else and to work towards creating much needed grief, trauma and self esteem support in Orange County fills my soul. I may not spend 24/7 with my kids but I plan to be role model to them and the time we have is all about quality not quantity. I'm working on a life/work balance but I find this is much easier when I love all aspects of my life and work and self.
When We Can't Hide The Ugly In The World From Our Children

When We Can’t Hide The Ugly In The World From Our Children

There has been a lot of ugly in the world lately. And I know, if you have a fantastic memory, this sounds familiar coming...
Everything You Need To Know About A Multi-Age School Program

Everything You Need To Know About A MultiAge School Program

My son is finishing up his first year in a MultiAge School Program and I couldn't be happier. One thing I have noticed is just...
2020 shaming

No More 2020 Shaming And Blaming

2020 shaming. How many times last year did you hear, or maybe even said, "ugh, 2020 strikes again!" It is like we are shaming a...

The Best Tips For Making A Yummy Holiday Pie

'Tis the season, and it's easy as holiday pie! Ok who am I kidding, it's always the season for pies! I do love me...

Hair Bands, Hair Bands, and More Hair Bands

Hair bands in my youth were the shirtless, sweaty, guitar-slinging guys on MTV (when it was all videos no reality shows), and posters on...
It Is Still Not Time To Panic - Part 2

It Is Still Not Time To Panic – Part 2

Disclaimer: There is no actual cursing in this post but there is implied cursing. There is also probably some snark and some humor. This...
say yes to my kids

Remembering To Say Yes To My Kids During This Crazy Time

How many times a day do you think we say no to our children? How often are we giving them a yes, a win?...
time to panic kid edition

Is it Time to Panic? Kid Edition

Is it time to panic -kid edition. DISCLAIMER: Read the first Is it Time to Panic? post first. It will be less confusing that way....
Is it time to panic

Is It Time To Panic?

Is it time to panic? NO, no... and no!  Wait, is that correct? Yes, it's correct? Oh yeah, it is. DISCLAIMER: I am not a...
Children's Grief Awareness Month

Children’s Grief Awareness Month: Thinking Like A Mom

So I like to read before bed. And by "read," this means some nights I think about putting down Facebook and reading. Other nights I...

Hey Ladies, Stop Hiding Your Awesomeness!

I’m awesome, you are awesome. Some days are more awesome than ever.  See I said it and it wasn’t that hard. First off, I don’t...
healthy body

Creating A Healthy Body Episode 3: In The Middle

If this journey to creating a healthy body and mindset about fitness was school, I would have just finished midterms.  If you're just tuning into...
lifestyle upcycle

Creating a Healthy Body Episode 2: Mindset/Lifestyle Upcycle

If you haven't ready my first blog post entitled Creating a Healthy Body please do because I think I'm about to turn the post...
Road Trip Advice

Making Lemonade Out Of Lemons: Road Trip Advice Edition

This Road Trip Advice post is the fifth installment in the Making Lemonade out of Lemons series. Read Parts One, Two, Three, and Four...