Hair Bands, Hair Bands, and More Hair Bands


Hair bands in my youth were the shirtless, sweaty, guitar-slinging guys on MTV (when it was all videos no reality shows), and posters on my wall. I’ll confess…I may have had a  thing for the Nelson Twins in junior high. Don’t judge.

Frankly, those musicians and all their hair may have the same problem I’m having now with my 3-year-old daughter, whose hair often resembles the kid at the beginning of the live action Pete’s Dragon.

So consider this a Public Service Announcement for any parents that have kids with unruly hair…the struggle is real.

I’m constantly chasing after her with hair bands.

And when she finally agrees to let me put a hair band, tie, clip, head band, hat etc. in her hair, I can’t find one. Then I find them in the carpet, in the car, in the laundry, in the kitchen drawer, and so on and so on, until I want to pull MY hair out.

So I finally said enough is enough and jumped on Pinterest with said daughter on my lap and made a plan that went something like this:

“Let’s make a special holder for all your special hair bands. We will always keep them there because they are special. The holder will be special, and you are special.”

*I hold my breath and look on expectantly, silently praying she is buying into this plan.

“Deal mommy! I want a mermaid!”

Phew! Ok… um a mermaid.

I quickly turn to Amazon.

Say what you will about Amazon taking over the world. I get it. I feel a twinge of guilt every time. But then I reread my post Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself (insert of shameless plug…check!) and I don’t feel guilty. I’m a busy working mom, and I’m tired.

Also she said mermaid and when you type in ANYTHING in the Amazon search you find it.

Case in point: three days later we had a Mermaid keyring holder (or towel holder, I can’t remember) delivered to our door.

We have an ocean-themed bathroom for the kids, so that seemed like a great place to hang it. I had an idea to tie ribbon on it for all the clips, and I remembered that I had this starfish ribbon from a previous project I could use.

starfish ribbon for hair bands

I sent the kids to work on the ultimate scavenger hunt to find all the hair bands and accessories they could.

This included the three (yes three) that were left in the Tupperware missing a lid (where do those lids go?!) I was previously using to stay “organized”…sigh. I also may have bribed…cough cough…incentivized them with one M&M per accessory found.

While they were hunting, I was hanging the mermaid hook and measuring the ribbon.

We then attached all the clips and hung the hair bands. (We sometimes hang headbands there too, but I removed them for a better picture.) We stepped back and admired our work.

I then threatened…cough cough…encouraged them to use it! We have made a game out of running and putting one back if we happen to find it has gone rogue somewhere in the house.

It goes something like this:

“Look a hair band is trying to escape!”

“I’ve got it,” while racing to the bathroom to rescue it and return it to its home.

The searching for hair accessories took way longer than putting the project together.

It was literally minutes…yes I said minutes!

And I’m pretty happy with the outcome.

hair bands holder

Hope this helps someone suffering from hair band stress out there! PSA done.

Hair Bands, Hair Bands, and More Hair Bands PIN

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Melissa Fisher Goldman
I grew up in Orange County then went to Los Angeles (with a short detour in Santa Barbara) for college and spent the next 12 years there thinking that was home until I met my amazing, now husband on and moved back here to start our life together. I have a young son and daughter that are two years apart. They are thick as thieves and keep us laughing. I worked in Hospice care for 15 years and now I take Working Mom to a whole new dimension with a private mental health practice I worked hard with many jobs hustling for many years to grow my own business. I'm proud to say I'm helping people in my own office full time. The decision to quit my full time job working for some one else and to work towards creating much needed grief, trauma and self esteem support in Orange County fills my soul. I may not spend 24/7 with my kids but I plan to be role model to them and the time we have is all about quality not quantity. I'm working on a life/work balance but I find this is much easier when I love all aspects of my life and work and self.