Hilary Feldstein Ratner
My New Year’s Resolutions
When I was a young single girl, my New Year's resolutions were always something like go to the gym more often, run a faster...
Family Play Date
I was prepared to arrange play dates for my son when he started preschool last year. Many of my best childhood memories happened during...
Drive Thrus Of Orange County: Huntington Beach/Fountain Valley Edition
What do you do when you find yourself in the car with little ones asleep in the backseat, and realize you're stuck? If you...
Top Three Pumping Tips For Nursing Moms
Here's the thing about pumping: It sucks. Literally.
Between the constant cleaning, the discomfort, the alienation, and the indignity of feeling like a milk cow,...
How Do We Talk To Our Kids About Race?
I was going to write a light-hearted advice piece about clothing. But after the tragedies that occurred this past week, and the current state...
It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday’s Car
With the birth of our second child, it's become clear: we need a bigger car.
A sedan which once felt roomy has become cramped with...
Bloom Event {Recap}
Disclosure :: The Anaheim Moms Blog event is made possible by our amazing partners. Thank you to The Clay Kilbarger Group, Dr Smiths, Fresh Wave, and AMA Skincare. We...
Being A Teacher Is Harder Than Being A…WHAT??
In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, I wanted to share a story that my mother-in-law, a retired elementary school teacher, recently told me.
A little...
I Can’t WAIT For Retirement!
Ohmygawd you girls, I don't know about you, but I can't WAIT for retirement! Not mine of course because as a SAHM and a...
Leap Day Baby
If you could choose to have a leap year baby born on February 29th, would you? This is a question my husband and I...
Adult Coloring Books: A Five Step Guide
From SNL shout-outs to articles in high brow publications like The Atlantic, adult coloring books are everywhere! So, when I saw the giant display...
Natural Cold Remedies For Pregnancy
It's wintertime, and that means cold and flu season is upon us.
Ordinarily, when I get sick I'll take a natural cough syrup and drink...
What Can We Do About Gun Violence?
When the tragic San Bernadino shootings occurred in December, though I had already spent the previous few weeks mourning for the victims in Paris,...
Top Five Reasons This Mom Loves Her Apple Watch
When Apple announced they were coming out with a smart watch, I'll admit, I immediately wanted it. Not because I need to have the...