Hilary Feldstein Ratner

Hilary Feldstein Ratner
Follow me on Instagram @EcoFriendlyMama, Twitter @EcoFriendlyMa, and Pinterest @EcoFriendlyMama! Though I was born and raised in New York City, I've lived in SoCal for over ten years now and am proud to call this beautiful and diverse place my home. My husband and I have a son and baby daughter (whom I was 9 months pregnant with when this photo was taken!). Prior to becoming a mommy I spent several years in feature film publicity and acquisitions for Miramax and later as the Creative Executive for Hilary Swank Productions before seguing to the music industry where I did Online Communications for the GRAMMY Foundation and MusiCares. In my ample pre-parenthood free time, I also freelanced as a script analyst and screenwriter. I am fortunate now to be able to devote all my time to my family, but I still love to write so am thrilled to have the opportunity to be a part of this blog! I am a foodie, avid traveler, environmentalist, preschool board member, and unabashed Disney nut. I can also be found writing about green parenting and eco-conscious living on my personal website, https://ecofriendlymama.com.
broken crayons

How to Upcycle ALL Those Broken Crayons

These looooooong final summer days need to be filled somehow. We've gone everywhere fun I can think of. My son has spent so may hours swimming there's always a load of bathing suits in...

Raising A Lefty In A Right-Handed World

My son was born a lefty. This is not hyperbole. In truth, we saw him sucking his left thumb on ultrasounds with such regularity that he was born with a sucking callous, so you...
Disney without Disneyland

How To Have A Disney Day WITHOUT Visiting Disneyland

I love Disney. That is actually an understatement. Among the many hallmarks of a Disney-obsessed person, I have an Annual Pass that allows me entry to the Anaheim theme parks 50 weeks out of the...
Yes You CAN Travel The World With Young Kids

Yes You CAN Travel The World With Young Kids

A question I've seen many times in the various travel and parenting Facebook groups I'm in is, "can we travel overseas or are my children too young?" My answer - based on experience -...
Cooperative board games

Favorite Cooperative Board Games For Preschoolers

Have you ever played Candyland with a preschooler? It sucks. I mean, it should be a fun game because...candy. My son was SUPER excited when he received it as a gift because...candy. But even...
child asking question

Parenthood: The Game Show

Recently I watched a viral video of a superfan on The Price Is Right to win the biggest cash amount ever awarded on the game Plinko. He was SO excited and SO happy to...
QUIZ: Are You A Bad Mom?

QUIZ: Are You A Bad Mom?

Wanna know how your parenting stacks up against others? Take this quiz and find out if you are a bad mom! 1. Have you ever: A) Accidentally locked your child in the car? B) Fed your family...
Ecocentric Mom Monthly Box Sponsored Post

Ecocentric Mom Monthly Box

When I was asked if I'd like to do this review, I jumped at the opportunity. Buying environmentally-friendly products is already a priority for me (and should be for everyone!) so I was curious...
Mommy Needs A Panic Room!

Mommy Needs A Panic Room!

I'm not sure when exactly it happened. Maybe it was when my son was clinging to my leg as I was holding his little sister on my hip and trying to unload the dishwasher....
Why is today wear red day?

Why Is Today Wear Red Day?

Maybe you have heard of Wear Red Day. You may have a mother, sister, or cousin, who has been affected by heart disease, stroke, and another cardiovascular diseases. Perhaps you yourself are the one...
What's in Your Go bag?

What’s In Your Go Bag?

Recently, a friend on Facebook posted a question asking "what's in your Go Bag?" I had never heard this phrase before so had to do some hard-core investigating (read: turn notifications on for her post),...
12 things this mom really wants in the new year

12 Things Mommy REALLY Wants In The New Year

Of course the first item on my official wishlist this year is world peace. I truly mean that. Not in a Steve Martin kind of way, but in a seriously, our planet is going...
My New Year's Resolution

My New Year’s Resolutions

When I was a young single girl, my New Year's resolutions were always something like go to the gym more often, run a faster mile, lose 10 pounds etc. And usually, I'd be on...

Family Play Date

I was prepared to arrange play dates for my son when he started preschool last year. Many of my best childhood memories happened during play dates - epic games of hide and seek, playing...