Megan Phillips
In Search Of Dad Friends
Not for me. That would be weird. This is a friendship advertisement for my husband. We all know that every mom needs to find...
When Will My Kids Eat? (A Question Of Survival)
I’m no biologist, but I’m pretty sure humans are required to consume food to survive. I’m also pretty sure that children need to eat...
So, I Tried This New Thing Called “Glamping” And…
This is literally how I start this sentence to explain the adventure that my family took on Mother’s Day weekend. One might ask, “How...
The Cat & Nat Live Show: Girl’s Night Out With A Thousand Of Your...
Last Sunday, I had the amazing opportunity to experience the Fun Show With Cat & Nat live at the Orpheum Theater in L.A. These...
Why I’m Boycotting The Movie TULLY (Warning: Spoilers)
In my practice, I specialize in maternal mental health. So I was incredibly excited to see the trailer for the movie TULLY which hit...
I Came *This* Close to Spanking My Son (And I’m Not a Bad Mom)
And neither are you. I don’t advocate for spanking because I know it doesn’t actually affect long-term behavior change (and it models violence). But...
I’m Raising My Children Without Religion
I'm raising my children without religion.
To me, this is a completely benign statement, as if I had said today was Tuesday. But to some,...
When The Cost Of Success Is Stifling
Before I dive into this important and impactful piece, I want to clarify that I’m putting on my “Psychologist” hat here, so bear with...
My Baby’s Brain: An Update
It has been a year since I wrote about our daughter’s journey through Infantile Spasms (IS) or West Syndrome, a “catastrophic seizure disorder” that...
Creative Solutions To “Problem Behaviors”
I don’t think I like age four. Three was worlds better than four, and I’m sincerely hoping that five offers a much-needed reprieve from...
When Your Preschooler Asks Hard Questions
My four-year-old is quite precocious and inquisitive, and his verbal reasoning ability routinely amazes me. He often has very thoughtful questions and you can...
Family Size Over Four? There’s No Emoji For That
Have you ever noticed how much influence societal norms can have on the family size you have? I mean, think about it—practically everything was...
The Moments I Cherish
This week has been a bit stressful. The kids are getting restless in these last few weeks of summer, and their behavior is taking...
When Getting My Child Help Makes Me Feel Like A Bad Mom
Let me start by saying that I am so grateful to be fortunate enough to have access to treatments and therapies for my child...