OC Guest Blogger

OC Guest Blogger
Life With A Child On The DL (Disabled List)

Life With A Child On The DL (Disabled List)

As the country starts to open up due to economy and quarantine fatigue – despite the fact that the Coronavirus is still making its...
Unexpected Tragedy: Kobe Bryant Staples Center Memorial Marquee

When An Unexpected Tragedy Helped Me Heal

This new year has not started out the way I was hoping it would have for my family. Earlier this month, we found out...
found my biological father

In Search Of My Father, Part II

If you haven't read the first installment of this series leading up this moment when I found my biological father, click here to read...
In Search Of My Father, Part I

In Search Of My Father, Part I

As of today, I am 37 years old. For the vast majority of my life, I have never had much interest in finding my...
parallel play

Parallel Play: The Teenage Years (And What You Can Do About It)

Remember in the infant/toddler years when you would gather with your mom friends, or tribe, or squad…or just other moms who were operating on 50%...
Did Facebook Kill The High School Reunion

Did Facebook Kill The High School Reunion…Again?

Five years ago I set out to determine whether Facebook killed the high school reunion for a piece I wrote in the Hollywood Journal....

What’s That Under There? Underwear!

Women’s bodies go through some miraculous transformations during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. I can’t tell you how many different types of undergarments I owned....
best car

How To Choose The Best Car For Your Family

It's so hard to choose the best car for your family because we spend A LOT of time in our cars! It’s not just for...
foster mom

The Hard Truth About Living In Limbo

Hey Mamas! I wanted to start writing for the Orange County Moms Blog from time to time to share my foster mom journey –...
garage sale

How To Have An Awesome Garage Sale

Maybe your garage is getting too full to park your car in. Maybe you keep seeing clutter all over your home. Or maybe you...

Baby Gear, Is It Really For the Baby?

Somehow I ended up with 13 strollers, 9 baby carriers, 3 dozen baby blankets and more diaper bags than the whole Kardashian clan would...

My Battle Call – Hearing Loss Advocate

I am the mother of two children born with hearing loss. I decided to write about our journey navigating through this process on my...
Smith-Magenis Syndrome

Who Are The Unsung Heroes Of Special Needs Kids? Siblings

They didn't ask for it. None of us did really. We thought we were doing good by our daughter by providing her with a...
camp erin

Camp Erin Orange County: Providing Hope And Healing After Loss

Did you know there is a grief camp for children here in Orange County? When you hear the words “grief camp,” you might not associate...