With school starting around the corner, it can be overwhelming to get everything done before school starts. And if you have a child with special needs, it can feel even more overwhelming. However, the key is organization and planning. Don’t wait till the last minute to fill out forms or order supplies for your child.
As a special needs mom, I know the paperwork can be time-consuming, but you can space it between a few days to lessen the load. While the advice below may be specific to families of children with special needs, some of it can also apply to any school aged child.
Here are my top 14 back to school tips for special needs moms:
#1 – Make a list of everything that needs to be done.
This is number one on the list for a reason – plan, organize, be prepared!
#2 – Notify the school if any changes in your child’s medical history occurred over the summer.
Hopefully you had a medically uneventful summer, but if not, don’t forget to let them know!
#3 – Fill out medical forms to administer medication and sign in advance by a physician.
This can be time-consuming if your child has an extensive medical history, so take care of it before school starts. You want to have a plan of care/treatment established once they start school.
#4 – Order extra medicine, if it needs to be kept at school.
With insurance approvals and supply chain delays, it definitely doesn’t hurt to get this done early.
#5 – Order adaptive tools for the classroom with the school supplies.
These examples included noise cancellation headphones, bright line paper, a privacy board, etc.
#6 – Review your child’s IEP/ 504 plan, and check the accommodations and academic goals.
If there are new accommodations that may have to take place, notify the school.
#7 – If your child struggles with transitions, please prepare them for school a few weeks in advance.
Often a new classroom and teacher can cause some children to experience anxiety. Getting them familiar with their new surroundings and/or routine can go a long way to reducing their anxiety (and yours too!).
#8 – Have your child’s transportation (bus, carpooling, etc.) finalized.
It takes a village, but that village takes a while to coordinate.
#9 – If you’re a working mom, decide on the after-school care of your child.
See above about that village. You can’t have a list about back to school tips for special needs moms without planning for what happens after school too.
#10 – Make sure your emergency contacts in the school’s system are correct and up to date.
Out of courtesy always inform the individual first that you have designated them an emergency contact for the school. Also, have that contact store your child’s school number in case of an emergency, so the call doesn’t get missed or categorized as spam calls.
#11 – Label your child’s water bottle, binder, and jacket.
Some children can get overwhelmed easily, but labels on their items at school provide them with visual cues that helps them pack up easier when school is dismissed.
#12 – Get your children excited about school.
Kids will pick up your energy rather than it being an anxiety-provoking experience shift it to a fun place you can learn and see your friends.
#13 – Practice your morning routine.
Some children take longer to adjust to a new routine or environment than others. if that’s the case, give your child some time to adapt and help with the transition rather than being aggressive.
#14 – Reschedule sports activities, therapies, and appointments to reflect the school bell schedule.
I hope these back to school tips for special needs moms are helpful to all moms with children going back to school this fall including those with special needs!