Independence Day, a day filled with bar-be-ques, libations, and incredible firework displays. The 4th of July is the major summer kickoff event that brings...
I am so thankful that people are beginning to share their water safety reminders. Especially as the season changes and our little ones are...
Would you know what to do if faced with an emergency at home? I Google everything, dumb things like how to bake a potato...
When is the right time to get your child a cell phone? The new age question lots of parents are asking themselves.
My two-year-old wants...
In Southern California, we know that earthquakes come with the territory. So, we prepare our homes and workplaces for such an event. But, what...
Picture the scene. 6 moms. Zero kids. The open road, and a Chevy Suburban.
This was our reality a couple of weeks ago when we...
The hardest part of being a parent is watching your child go through something really tough and not being able to be there, to...
Before I dive into this important and impactful piece, I want to clarify that I’m putting on my “Psychologist” hat here, so bear with...
Let me start by saying that I hate writing about this topic. I hate thinking about the world as a scary place where I...
Today, June 21st is officially ASK Day. ASK stands for Asking Saves Kids. The campaign encourages parents to ask a simple question when their...
I love to sleep. After having kids the feeling has only intensified. Aside from the fact that my children hate sleeping and keep me...