June is here!  School is almost out, the weather is getting warmer and we can taste the summer freedom!  With kids about to run free, and the beaches calling our names June is one of the best months of...
This month has been a doozy, and it’s not even June yet. There have been so many moments where I just wanted to tap out and take a week off from life. My family and I have been all...
Messes.  Clean up.  Messes.  More messes.  More clean up.  Only to then see more messes. Can anyone else relate?  While talking to my mother the other day about how I was attempting to clean up the house only to be followed...
Summer is the best, isn't it?  We ALL look forward to summer.     I'm not going to lie, I may or may not have a summer countdown.     Now, it's not your traditional countdown it's more of a "Mom" Countdown. My child...
The word gardening can either make some people excited or completely scared.  There are usually two types of people, those with a "green thumb" or those who can't keep plants alive to save their lives. But gardening doesn't have to...
My toddler is a runner. He is not your average child runner he is a sprinter and extremely fast. He has two speeds: fast and turbo. I guess he channels his inner Lighting McQueen and lives by the mantra:...
I've been reading Present Over Perfect which speaks about being still and finding the small moments of your life to really live. Oh, lordy how I need more of this in my life! Today, when I was at the park, I...
Dear my sweet, cute P.I.T.A (Pain In The You Know What) Challenging One-Year-Old Today is your first birthday and although we love you, a lot...I still don't know how we survived your first year.  Let me reminisce for a moment...
Social media takes a lot of heat for making moms feel ‘lesser than.’ And I wholeheartedly agree. For a minute though, I’d like to call out parenting books and parenting experts as huge culprits in causing angst and a...
My children are in bed now.  All 3 of the little nut jobs (scratch that.  Number 2 came out of her room as I was writing that sentence).  Today was (is?) one of those days I thought for sure...
I’ve read several articles on how Mother’s Day is a hard holiday for some. Most of the themes focus on how painful it can be to observe a holiday devoted to your mother if your mother has passed away....
I don't WANT to pee my pants, but I can't help it!  When I cough.  When I laugh.  When I run.  And don't even ask me to do jumping jacks because I didn't pack an extra pair of clothes. I...
We had an absolutely amazing time at Bloom and we hope you did too!  If you couldn't attend please check out all of the amazing photos courtesy of Stevie Cruz Photography We hope to see you all again next year! Presented...
I remember when my nephew was little. It seemed like all he ate – for YEARS – was buttered noodles. And bread. Since I didn’t have kids yet, I thought this was appalling! Talk about a picky eater! Now that...

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In + Around Orange County

OC Mom Guide – Orange County Events May 2024

It's the month of May and you know what that means! Well...actually here in Orange County, May 2024 means a lot of different things....

OC Moms Guide – March 2024