Liz McTan

Liz McTan
Liz McTan is an entrepreneur, blogger, singer/songwriter and above all a mom. On her blog The Redheaded Rambling Mama she focuses on the necessity of connection and establishing our own village. Liz also writes about maintaining a sense of self after children, and beating the illusion of perfect parenting we see throughout social media and keeping a sense of humor to stay sane. She is a proponent of traveling, protesting, and even attending festivals with your kids. Through her battle with post-partum depression and anxiety she has found a new sense of self and purpose in her writing and music with her band Echo Hill. You can read more of her work at or on her social media pages and

We All Still Need A Break From Motherhood

I'm not sure about you, but I have never felt the need to get away more than these last few months. It's been 3...
scream free parenting

Scream Free Parenting And What That Really Means

Recently I bought a new book. It's called Scream Free Parenting. I had turned to this book after one of the worst days of all...
Teal Pumpkin

The Teal Pumpkin Project: Halloween Fun For Everyone!

This Halloween season, while getting your goblins and ghouls ready for the streets, why not add one more tradition to your family: a Teal...
pandemic baby

True Life: I Had A Pandemic Baby

I had a pandemic baby and - surprising to everyone including myself - it was kind of great. Shocking! I know, a pandemic seems...

Looks Like The AAP Was Right About Screen Time

Last weekend we hit a wall. A wall of screens. I had seen my daughter's behavior unraveling. Day by day it was worse. She...
learning pods

Pods + Learning Pods – To Pod Or Not To Pod That Is The...

Pods and learning pods and whether or not to create them is on every parent's mind. In this past week, I've seen the same conversations...
entertain toddlers

10+ Fun Things To Entertain Toddlers In Quarantine

As the Coronavirus marches on, we've all been trying to find our new normal. Part of that for so many families has been trying...
he cried mama

He Cried Mama

The last week has been full of tragedy. A pandemic, another death that never should have happened, the boiling over of the United States...
Redheaded rambling mama

A Day in The Life Of: Liz McTan, Redheaded Rambling Mama

This post is part of a weeklong series we’re doing here to document a typical day in the life of local moms during the...
Celebrating In Quarantine Means Letting Love Lead

Celebrating In Quarantine Means Letting Love Lead

A few days ago was the 5 year anniversary of my wedding. Months ago, we decided how we would spend it: on the beach...
Just Do The Next Right Thing: It's Okay To Just Be Surviving

Just Do The Next Right Thing: It’s Okay To Just Be Surviving

We've all probably seen post after post with color-coded schedules, activities for kids, and how to home school efficiently by now. But there are...
mixed race girl

Raising A Mixed Race Girl In A White World

My husband and I looked at each other shocked. We had just heard our daughter say something we never thought would be an issue....
second pregnancy

7 Ways A Second Pregnancy Is Different Than The First One

It's official, I'm pregnant with my second child and boy is it different. Between the worry over losing this pregnancy and the busy life...

Do The One Thing Too Many For Your Partner

Yesterday my husband did something fantastic for me. My one thing too many. My personal un-doable task. That may look different for different people,...