OC Guest Blogger
Three Go-To Recipes When It’s Too Hot To Cook
I have three go-to recipes when it gets too hot to cook. Because when it is too hot to cook all I want to...
7 Reasons to Use a Travel Specialist for Your Next Disneyland Vacation!
Did you know that travel agents are still a thing?? Maybe you just thought to yourself 'duh!' and maybe you thought to yourself 'what?!'....
6 Tips for Cold + Flu Season from a Pediatrician
If you are anything like our family, you are in serious 'everyone please stay healthy' mode. One cold can take our house a month...
The Best Divorce Advice I Still Carry With Me
My divorce years were rough. ROUGH, friends. It took 4 years from start to finish and we were in and out of mediations, court...
Grow Your Produce At Home with Gardyn!
Have you seen vertical gardens growing in popularity over the last few years? I am about to tell you about the coolest one I...
This Holiday Season, Deck the Halls with the Best Home Internet Experience
Not so long ago, we used home wifi primarily to connect to the Internet with our mobile phones, tablets, and laptops. Today, many more...
3 Fall Cocktails That Are Sure to Impress
3 Cocktails For Your Next Fall Gathering
Fall kicks off the season of lots of gatherings! Whether it's for the holidays, a specific celebration, or...
How Football Makes Our Family Stronger
Out of all the things that we choose to do as a family, I honestly didn't expect football to be one of our main...
Is Your Internet Connection Meeting the Needs of the Students Under Your Roof?
As students return to school, many will struggle to complete online homework assignments because they lack an internet connection or computer at home. This...
Top 10 Trader Joe’s Fall Must Haves
A “Hello Pumpkin” sign greets me as I enter my local Trader Joe's. My nostrils are met with the smell of those cinnamon brooms,...
My 8 Favorite Trader Joe’s Summer Staples
I love Trader Joe's and I find myself putting the same things in my cart all the time. But from time to time I...
Coping As A Mom With Hearing Loss
I didn't start out as a mom with hearing loss. But ever since I can remember, I have always been fascinated by and drawn...
How To Organize And Edit Your Holiday Decor
Want to know how to organize and edit your holiday decor? It truly isn't as hard as you think!
I feel that with most of...
Mommy, What Does “Black Lives Matter” Mean?
The stamp next to my six-year-old’s name on the sign-out sheet said, “Please see leader.” Uh-oh. Those words next to a child’s name on...