From 2008 to 2022, California was no exception to the nationwide destruction of school music programs. Housing crashes, recession, and budget cuts took a toll on the arts education we used to far more easily provide our children. Although there have been some funding increases in the last two years, many are finding the use of those funds has been slow in bringing music education back to our schools in a meaningful way. As priorities have shifted, out of a perceived necessity, we have arrived at a place where the value of a music education has become overshadowed. Yet, the benefits of learning and engaging with music extend far beyond the confines of the classroom or concert hall and the ultimate effects of music education on our youth are both profound and multifaceted, and cannot be denied.
In just the last 10 years, numerous studies have confirmed that music education significantly bolsters cognitive development in children and adolescents. Learning to play an instrument requires complex mental processes such as pattern recognition, spatial-temporal skills, and memory enhancement. These skills translate into improved performance in academic areas as students with music training have demonstrated higher scores on standardized tests, including those measuring mathematical and verbal abilities.
While the academic benefits are significant, an often-overlooked benefit is the effect music education can have on a student’s emotional and social growth. At a time when our youth are addicted to their devices (let’s admit it we all are to an extent) and hypnotized by the virtual world trappings of social media, putting an instrument in their hands, and teaching them how to work together with other young musicians is the ultimate “touch some grass” move.
At the School of Rock Huntington Beach, the positive changes we have seen in many students’ lives have been both rewarding and humbling. The fact is in addition to learning the technical skills of playing an instrument, when those students are placed in a “band” to perform, the benefits only increase exponentially. Our “team sport” approach to teaching students gives them the opportunity for collaboration as students learn to work together towards a common goal (putting on a rock and roll show), develop communication skills, and build lasting friendships. Learning to express oneself through music can be a powerful outlet for emotions, helping students navigate complex feelings and build emotional resilience. And in our experience, there is nothing that can bolster a kid’s self-confidence like performing with their band on a stage and for their supportive family, friends, and school community. That confidence extends beyond the stage, empowering students to take on new challenges and pursue their passions with assurance.
As we navigate an increasingly complex world, we know that the power of music education remains a vital component in nurturing well-rounded, capable, and empathetic individuals. When we started the School of Rock Huntington Beach ten years ago, we had a love of music, a passion for teaching, and the desire to help mentor young musicians. What we did not know or expect were the far-reaching benefits these programs would provide our youth and the need we would be filling. It has been and will continue to be our pleasure to do so.
If your family is interested in joining our community and your kids want to rock on stage (and in life) contact us at or give us a call at (714)847-7788.