I am not a superhero.
I’m not a super mom, a super wife, or a super worker.
I know, I know you are shocked (read sarcasm).
So maybe I outed myself to something you already knew. However, I certainly needed the reminder. These days I’m feeling a little less than, well perfect. I don’t strive for perfection, I learned that lesson a long time ago. However, I do strive to always do my best, and lately, I’ve been a little disappointed with my best.
My goal right now is to improve my life/work balance. Can any of you relate? I’m not quite sure why this seems to be getting harder and harder as my son gets older. I guess I thought I would have it figured out by now (insert laughter).
Moms if you did have a super power what would it be?
Me? Well thanks for asking, today it would be pausing time or adding more hours to the day. Pretty great idea right?! Unfortunately, I can’t do that, bummer. So the way I see it I have a few options. I can continue the way I have been going and be in a constant state of low-level anxiety (no thank you!). The better option, accept that I can’t do everything. Better option, learn to say no and prioritize! Wow, that sounds easy…hmm…why didn’t I think of that sooner? I know the answer, I know how to do it, I just need to…well…do it.
I gave up having ridiculously high expectations of myself.
If my house isn’t clean, oh well. If my kid goes to bed without a bath, oh well. It’s not that I am that hard on myself…well wait maybe it is. Let’s talk about this. I have three jobs and a few other activities (including this blog, helping start a non-profit, oh and being a mom, wife, and daughter in the mix).
My family is loved and fed, my mortgage is paid. In fact, most of my jobs are thriving and growing, I have a vision of a more successful future with financial freedom and freedom of time, and it seems possible. Wait, do I actually got this?! Then whats my problem?
My problem is I am in my head, being negative and beating myself up. Because, as previously stated, I’m human, not superhuman or a superhero. So my kid’s party was 3 months ago and I’m not done with thank you notes. I am behind on writing blog posts. I’m tired and want to rest all the time. Does any of this sound like I’m a horrible person? Of course not. However, I’m sure treating myself like I am.
I’ve been saying for days I need a rest, I’m not handling this work life balance well, I’m failing.
None of which is true (except maybe the rest part). So here is my new plan – first rest, second CHANGE MY THINKING. I am going to tell myself I’m doing pretty damn great! Life is hard. Being a mom is hard. Managing a schedule is hard.
I can do hard. I can do this.
As a matter of fact, I am doing this. I am a great therapist. I am doing great at my health and wellness business, helping women find a way to support their families while having more time for them. I’m a good, maybe great mom and wife and daughter. I’m figuring out how to balance everything and create the life I want for myself and my family.
Wow all it took was saying it out loud, or typing it out loud and I figured it out. I’m not a superhero but I am successful. I love my life. I need to be kinder to myself. Of course, I’m tired. Of course I can’t do everything. I’m doing enough. I am enough.
Good talk…thanks 🙂