Help – I think I am having a mom life crisis! Send cookies and wine…
Have you ever had a mom life crisis?
You know, that moment where you look back at your pre-mummy life and realise HOW MUCH has changed. Where you spend moments longing for your life pre-kids when less than 10 hours sleep left you exhausted. When your car wasn’t full of cheerios, raisins, toys, drinking cups, bikes, tiny clothes; the list is endless! Back to the time when you could lie in bed all day because you didn’t have little people bullying you to make Playdoh creations at 7am.
I found a load of old photos of us with one of our favourite couples on one of many kid-free vacations. We look SO YOUNG!
In case you hadn’t guessed, I had one recently! Those two little scamps are literally my life, but I am human. Sometimes my brain (or Timehop) remind me of those days life was spontaneous. A time when I didn’t view 30 minutes alone in Target as a treat to myself!
I am so grateful for what I have, for these 2 little boys who love me even when I lose it with them for asking the 1,000,000th question of the day. But that doesn’t mean I do not occasional pine for the pre-kids Viv. I met my husband when I was 18. This means we have 11 years of awesome memories of time spent together. Of vacations and nights out, of weekends away and lazy
Would I change my life? ABSOLUTELY NOT! But I wouldn’t rule out more mum life crises happening! Especially when post-holiday candy induced rage hits our household…
Do not worry, though – I gave myself a shake. I realised something I already know. That we are lucky to have happy healthy children. That we are blessed to hear their laughter at 6am, even if it is because one just covered the other in marker pen to make him ‘look pretty’!
I absolutely loved reading this! I can relate and needed this message from another mom like myself. 🙂
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