Valentine’s Day is almost here – seriously after 3,893,994,320 days of January, February began and is flying by!
So, if you’re like me and you just realized that Valentine’s Day is next week, don’t stress! There’s still time to make all of your Valentine’s Day dreams come true. If you have dreams about Valentine’s Day, is that just me?
I’ve compiled a pretty awesome list of my favorite DIY Valentine’s Day Inspirations. From fun cards to delicious treats.
Valentine’s Fortune Cookies
No, you don’t bake these! The fortune cookies are made out of paper and you can write whatever fun note you want inside.

Valentine’s Wreath
This DIY wreath can be done with your kids! And it’s virtually impossible to mess up! My kind of DIY!

This Pom Pom Wreath!
Another easy way to add a little pop of Valentine’s to your home!

Valentine’s Day Tic Tac Toe Snack Craft
Not only is it a game but it’s a game you can eat! Our favorite kind of game!

Love Breakfast
How cute is this idea? And, you can make it your own very easily with the food you have on hand.

Simple and Healthy DIY Valentine
We love this idea!

Wafer Cookies
These not only look perfect for Valentine’s Day but they also are super easy!

Heart-Shaped Cakes
This might be for the DIY pro – but we definitely think they look delicious enough to try!

Love Bug Oreo Cookies
How adorable are these?! And easy!

These Wooly Valentine’s are a MUST!
We just did a verbal awww when we saw these!

Paper Airplane Valentines
Our kids love making paper airplanes so how fun would these be?

Dinosaur Valentines
We love these because not only are they flipping cute, but they’re also candy-free! Win!

We hope you have an amazing Valentine’s Day!