“Best Laid Plans.” When this phrase is used it is usually followed by a “but” or a story of how that plan didn’t…well…go as planned.
I almost always have a plan.
I’m not sure if this is a superpower or a flaw. But I like to think I have found a way to make it work for me and have a balance. Balance is key!
I’m not going to lie.
If I could somehow have my entire calendar filled in for the next three years I would love that. Ooh and a personal assistant…and an extra bedroom…and…. Oh sorry I started on my fantasy wish list and got distracted….
So anyhoo….
Best laid plans. They almost never work…but I keep doing them anyway!
There is an old Yiddish proverb that translates to “Man plans and God laughs.” I know this concept. I try to be present in the moment. Yet I keep making plans, and then I get jarred when they change. Maybe this is my weekly reminder that I am human and I don’t have it all figured out.
Here is an example:
My first client today wasn’t until noon. My husband has the day off and can be in charge of getting the kids where they need to go. So I made a plan. I know, I know, but that’s what I do.
The plan was, I was going to get up and get ready like a normal Monday, and then I was going to sit down with all the work I haven’t gotten to over the last couple of weeks and get caught up from 8:30 to 11:30. I had/have a list of about 5 pressing to-do items that I won’t bore you with, but that I will just say are important and time sensitive. There are about 5 to 20 more things on my dream to-do list. You know, that These-things-would-improve-life/job/mommying/etc-and-someday-I-will-do-them-all list.
Well guess what…. Not happening.
When I made this plan yesterday morning, I did not know my toddler would get progressively more and more sick as the day went on and would come in my room every hour on the hour over night.
I am so tired that I can’t seem to clear the fog in my brain. So it is 9:30 and I am writing this to feel productive (although not the blog post I planned on writing, at least I can cross something off my list).
This best laid plan gone awry reminded me these plans sometimes set me off in self judgement.
So the moral:
If you are a blog groupie you know I don’t like to whine without a moral!
I’m going to try and not have expectations for my plans, just hopes. I am going to work hard to shrug off the plans gone awry and remember that is how life works, especially mom life.