Are you the type of mom that pays attention to every detail to make sure things are picture perfect? Are you the mom who strives to be that way?
Let’s be real! I would absolutely love to be one of those moms that had the perfect Pinterest house decor, parties, pack the perfect themed lunch, or bake the perfect classroom treats. I am just not that mom.
I look at some of the things that are posted online and I have to be honest with myself. I have tried to create some of the things posted online, but they never look the same.
You know those Pinterest fails posted online, well that would be me.
I have come to accept that I have a house that is not perfectly decorated or always clean. I am the mom that buys the store bought classroom treats. My child’s birthday is always at a party place where they organize the fun. My baking and cooking skills are not the greatest.
I used to feel guilty that I was not that mom. Sending my child with her store-bought goodies, while other children had homemade treats. I would go to a party where every detail of the party was Pinterest perfect.
I would think, “How did she think of that? How did she have the time to do that? I could never be talented enough to do all that myself.” I have to stop myself. I am not them, nor will I ever be. I know as moms we can be really hard on ourselves. I have to remind myself at times that I am fine just the way I am. I just need to focus on loving my family.
I do applaud you if you are creative and meticulous with the little details. That is a gift you have been given.
To those who post your creations, thank you for sharing them for all to enjoy. I love finding new ideas. I will admire them, and at times even try to recreate them. I know that it will probably never come close to what it is supposed to be or look like. I can just laugh at my attempt and move on.