There’s nothing more stressful to me than a messy home. Piles of laundry, a sink full of dishes, dog hair on every and all surfaces…and to top it off your baby is screaming and you’re exhausted. If clutter and dust bother you as much as they do me – fret not! I have some tips to help you have a clean, stress-free home so that you can keep your home in order and your sanity intact.
Now don’t get me wrong- my house is definitely not spotless! But if you dropped by and took a look around you would be pleasantly surprised! Here are some ideas that may help you keep a clean, stress-free home with a newborn that are easier and quicker than a full house cleaning routine:
Tip #1 – Make The Bed
The first thing I try to do every morning is make my bed. Now this sounds simple, yet it creates a sense of togetherness in the room which in turn will make you feel a bit calmer every time you pass by the bedroom. Doesn’t have to be a perfect hospital corner, just take 30 seconds to smooth out your comforter if that’s all the time and energy you’ve got!
Tip #2 – Declutter Your Nightstand
I also try to keep as few things as possible on my bedside table. Clutter just looks messy. Try to get a nightstand with drawers/cabinet doors. If you’re one of those people who has a full nightstand, consider getting a storage caddy to organize!
Tip #3 – Use Your Bathroom Drawers (If You’ve Got Them!)
As I attempt to get ready in my bathroom, I put everything in drawers and cabinets to clear the sink. (If your bathroom doesn’t have drawers or large cabinets, you can buy a portable set of bathroom drawers or put in some shelves with baskets to store items inside instead.)
Tip #4 – Use Cleaning Wipes
My sink is white so unfortunately every spec of dirt shows. After each use I take a quick wipe to the sink/counter with a Clorox wipe, (or you can use a makeup wipe if you don’t have one handy). Using a wipe is easier and quicker than getting out your cleaning supplies. Although this is not a deep clean, it washes up my bathroom just enough so that it doesn’t look completely gross when I go in there!
Tip #5 – Prioritize Your Kitchen Sink, Countertops, And Trash
My family of four (including the baby) creates so much dishes and trash you would think we have parties all week long! And nothing bothers me more than a sink full of dirty dishes. If I’m lucky enough to wake up before my little one, I hurry downstairs and do the 10 minute kitchen cleanup routine I’ve perfected: Dishes, Trash, Countertops, and a quick organization check (decluttering, putting things away), and it really does only take me 10 minutes!
Forget organizing your spice rack or transferring all your cereal into clear containers in the pantry if you’re short on time. Even if I don’t get everything to my liking, just taking care of the dishes, countertops, and trash means I’m not immediately stressed out by the overwhelming mess when I go downstairs for the day and I can focus on taking care of myself by eating a good breakfast and spending time with my precious baby!
Tip #6 – Clean When You Can
Nap times are when I power clean! I have two dogs and their hair is literally everywhere all the time! A few times a week I make sure to clean the floors. I use a wet and dry Swiffer so the vacuum doesn’t wake the baby! If you have a lot of carpet, I usually schedule my vacuum time for when my partner is home or my baby is having some awake time in the swing. My little one usually takes 30 minute naps, so after I Swiffer I’ll throw some laundry in and finish up any of the remaining kitchen and downstairs organizing I may have missed earlier.
Now depending on nap times and the mess of my household this will sometimes take me a few nap intervals to complete! But by midday (give or take a little), my house is looking pretty good. Sure, I didn’t deep clean or pick up every little mess, but overall I feel a sense of zen knowing I did the basics.
Tip #7 – Know When Not To Clean
As much as I love a clean house, my baby and I are what matters most! During wake times I try not to do anything but focus on my baby. Our little ones can sense our stress, so putting that to-do list on the shelf right now is the best thing for both of you!
Take a walk, watch a Disney movie, do some tummy time, or even take them out on the town for a bit! You will both feel better spending that quality time together, plus it will tire your little bundle of joy out so they will sleep much better!
Tip #8 – Self Care Before Home Care
When nap time rolls around again, don’t forget to carve out some time for you. Read a book, watch your show, or even better yet – sleep! When you have a little one it’s all about balance.
You don’t want to clean so much that you are even more exhausted than you were when you woke up!
Some days are harder than others and if you just need rest, and that’s okay! Being a mom is the hardest job but also the best job in the world. If you listen to your body and your baby you can’t go wrong!
Tell us in the comments below, if you only have enough time and energy to do one of these tips for a clean, stress-free home, which one would you choose and why?