In the next two weeks, many families would usually be gathering for Easter Egg hunts, Seder dinners, church functions, and more. However, because of our current shelter in place, most of the holiday traditions we love won’t be happening.
That doesn’t mean we still can’t celebrate!
We’ve collectively come up with some great ideas to help you keep your Passover and Easter traditions alive during quarantine.
Passover Celebration Ideas
Unlike Easter, Passover is 8 days and includes several meals and special prayer services. You can still have your Passover celebrations – they might just look a little different this year!
Host or attend a virtual Seder (if your denomination of Judaism allows for it).
Bake your own Matzah.
Play Hide The Afikomen – If you don’t have matzo or a cracker, try hiding something else. It can be a present. It can be money. It can even be a box. The fun is in your child trying to find it, and in how clever mom or dad can be in hiding it. : )
Print these 5 downloadable activities for kids.
Play this Seder trivia game with your kids.
Check out this post with other ideas about engaging your kids in Passover Seder.
Watch these 5 Passover Movies with your kids.
Remember that reclining is an intrinsic part of this holiday. So embrace this mark of freedom and take it easy on yourself during your sedar!
Easter Celebration Ideas
The usual Sunrise service and brunch with family and friends may not be happening this year – but there are still so many ways to celebrate Easter!
Sit around the table with your virtual family. Get a Zoom call set up so you can still “see” each other!
Get your Sunday best on and catch a live stream of your favorite service. Or better yet, stay in your jammies and devour some hot cross buns!
Open Easter Baskets together.
Easter Recipes:
Make resurrection rolls.
Make these birds’ nest cookies.
Bake hot cross buns.
Easter Crafts:
Make & decorate salt dough Easter eggs
Create resurrection eggs or buy them pre-made on Amazon.
Dye Easter eggs.
Use flowers to decorate your eggs.
Create this fluffy bunny with a paper plate and cotton balls.
Easter Decorations:
Participate in the OC Mom Collective Easter Egg Hunt!
Decorate an Easter egg tree in your yard.
Create these satisfying string easter eggs.
Turn your front door (or any door in your house) into a bunny.
Watch Easter Movies:
There are so many fun Easter-themed movies – Hop, Peter Rabbit, and The Dog Who Saved Easter just to name a few!
Here are more Easter and Passover celebration ideas from some of our sister sites:
Celebrating Easter While Social Distancing from Birmingham Moms Blog
Teaching Children How to Celebrate Easter & Passover from Dallas Moms
Celebrating Easter at Home Guide from Toledo Moms
Ideas for Celebrating Easter at Home from Corpus Christi Moms Blog
Making Easter or Passover Memorable from Home – from ABQ Moms