I love the holiday of Halloween personally. It can be fun, scary, and chaotic all at the same time! Over the years, being a Halloween “momster” has taught me some things that have helped me and my family around Halloween on how to reduce stress, prevent meltdowns, and make it a great Halloween experience for everyone.
Here are my best tips for a fun and safe Halloween in Orange County!
Purchase costumes early.
The good ones run out quickly. Trust me on this!
How to save money on costumes:
Ask your friends and/or family members if you can borrow them. Buying costumes for the whole family adds up year after year and chances are your loved ones have old costumes hanging in their closets they’d be happy to loan you.
HOT TIP: If you’ve got time and want to make your own costume, check out this DIY No-Sew Princess Leia costume which you can make out of just a sheet and some fabric tape, and this DIY tutu costume for kids!
Calendar it!
Schedule all the Halloween festivities in advance and mark them on your calendar, so there’s no double booking!
Do your research.
Before attending a Halloween event, do some research to make sure it’s age appropriate for your little ones. Some events can be age-restricted also.
Check your menu in advance
If you’re hosting a party, ask if any guests have any dietary restrictions or food allergies.
Screen candy after trick or treating collection.
Check for unopened candy, and toss out any that are already open. Also, any candy that has nuts for children with nut allergies. Some candy is just gross, that I tend to toss out. Or check out this post with ideas for where you can donate it!
Set a limit
To keep your kids (and yourself) from having a stomach ache or candy coma, set a limit on how much candy can be consumed daily post-Halloween.
Avoid sugar overload on Halloween
On the day of the event, restrict sugar intake prior to the festivities if you know there will be lots of sweet treats there.
Be cavity conscious
If you have cavity-prone kids, have them mouthwash or brush their teeth after eating candy.
Make a plan for if you get separated
Have your little ones remember your number and address in case they get lost during trick or treating (yes, it can happen). Or place a paper with that information in their pockets.
Let there be light!
Get a flashlight for the little ones if they get scared of the dark. This is also helpful for safety, to make sure traffic sees you on the street.
Know when to head home
Go by your child’s cues. If they are getting tired and cranky, call it a day for trick or treating.
Non-candy Halloween treat ideas:
Try these alternatives to candy – glow sticks, pencils, bags of chips/pretzels, juice boxes, and books if you really want to stand out in the neighborhood.
Avoid accidents at your doorstep
Make sure your entrance is well lit for families. You don’t want accidents on the day of.
Monitor your candy flow
If you notice your candy running out as you’re handing it out to trick or treaters, start reducing the amount of candy that’s being passed out. In case, your candy runs out, place a sign outside indicating so.
Don’t want trick or treaters?
If you’re not participating in passing out candy, turn the lights off.
No strange candy from strangers
There’s a rise in fentanyl in Orange County per the O.C. sheriff’s department. So have a conversation with your kids about accepting candy from strangers that is colorful and chalky. Bottom line, if it doesn’t look right, don’t eat it!
Let us know in the comments if you’ve got more OC momster tips for a fun and safe Halloween in Orange County. Hope you have a spooktacular holiday!