“I have TOO MUCH time on my hands,” said no mom ever. Am I right? Yes, I am because I’m a mom and I know exactly what it is like to try and do all the things. And part of all of the things is cooking every single meal every single day for the rest of eternity.
I swear even if I came down with the plague (which very well could happen, thanks 2020) my family would still ask me what’s for dinner?
So, what is a mom to do? Well, usually this mom gets disgruntled and just “gets dinner done” which means burnout with food, which turns into less healthy decisions. And also gets annoyed with the incessant prep and clean up.
I sound like a treat, right?! My family would agree that something needed to change. But what would that something be?
Pocket Chefs
What is Pocket Chefs? To put it simply Pocket Chefs is a service where an actual Chef comes into your home, cooks 2-3 meals for you, and then cleans up after themselves. It’s a Chef, not a unicorn, but I feel like I’ve discovered a unicorn!
You provide the ingredients so you have full control over what goes into your food and never have to question whether or not you’re getting the reduced-sodium or full-fat versions of many ingredients.
They also offer contactless service – so you, your family, and the chef can all remain safe.
Pocket Chefs sounds too good, right?
- Here’s what you can expect – first you sign up – obviously. And right now Pocket Chefs is has a waitlist you can join for Orange County. So get on that list ASAP!
- Then a chef will reach out to you where you’ll have a short discussion about your family’s likes/dislikes, any allergies, health concerns etc. You’ll also discuss menu options and you’ll pick the meals that you’d like the chef to prepare for you.
- Once you pick your meals and schedule your time – YOU will go shopping and get the ingredients necessary.
- The chef will arrive and prep, cook, and clean up all within 2 hours time! (You can pay for extra time if necessary).
And because Pocket Chefs is dedicated to safety they’ve created safety protocols for all of their Chefs and your family which you can learn about below and by heading to their website.
So what will I do with all of the extra time on my hands? I will truly enjoy dinner, knowing I didn’t have to rush to get it done and don’t have dishes to do afterward. I will hang with my children for an extra hour before dinner because dinner is already DONE!
If you’re like me and need something to get you through – sign up for Pocket Chefs today – I promise you won’t ever regret the extra time you’re given!