Maria Hoey

Maria Hoey
A native of Iowa, Maria moved to Los Angeles ten years ago. It's there that she met and married her husband, Brian. Maria has 2 boys who make her world go round and round and round and round... She also is a co-host on a hilarious podcast - They See Me Mommin'. When she isn't doing all things "mom" Maria enjoys reading, writing, baking, eating and LAUGHING!

An OC Mom’s Guide to April

We love April in Orange County.  It's starting to get warm, the kids have spring break, and the beach is calling our names!  April...
Motherhood, I'm Winging It.

Motherhood, I’m Winging It.

Guys, today my almost two-year-old ate fruit snacks for breakfast.   In my defense they were organic! Thank you, Costco. As I allowed this travesty...
Mommy & Me Sports are Lame, There I Said It.

Mommy & Me Sports are Lame, There I Said It.

A few years ago when my oldest was almost two I decided that it would be SO fun if he played soccer.  And since...
Story Time In Orange County

Story Time In Orange County

There are so many fun things to do with your kids in Orange County.  But one of the biggest questions we get is where...
Have You Ever Taken a Two-Year-Old Anywhere?

Have You Ever Taken a Two-Year-Old Anywhere?

Seriously.  Have you ever taken a two-year-old anywhere?  I have two littles.  The first one is now four-years-old and I don't really remember having...
Children's Television Shows {And the Questions I Have}

Children’s Television Shows {And the Questions I Have}

I'm going to be honest.  I let my children watch Television.  There, I admitted it.  And now that I've admitted it we can move...
Dear First-Time Mom, I See You & I'm Here For You

Dear First-Time Mom, I See You & I’m Here For You

Dear First-Time Mom, I see you.  I am SO here for you.  I was you not that long ago.  And trust me, you are...

Hanging with Heroes

We are so excited to bring to you our first ever Hanging with Heroes event!  This event is brought to you by Anaheim Moms...
How Emojis Saved This Socially Awkward Mama

How Emojis Saved This Socially Awkward Mama

I love emojis.  And not just because they're super fun to add to any text conversation.  No, I love emojis because they actually make...

Why I’m Planning For My Future

The future.  It seems so far away, doesn't it?  In reality, the future can be any moment from this moment on.  The next second,...
Watch What I Do, Listen To What I Say

Watch What I Do, Listen To What I Say

Last week I read this article about how to keep your kids from drugs and other ill-advised activities.  I grew up in the D.A.R.E....
In defense of rest

In Defense of REST

Are you ever tired?  Sorry, that's a silly question!  The answer is YES.  Always. Constantly. So am I.  And because I was so tired,...

Orange County’s Ultimate Birthday Party Guide

Kids love birthday parties!  But, finding the perfect party venue or service can be a fun, overwhelming and time-consuming process. There are SO many...
Those Fitness People

Those “Fitness” People

I follow a few fitness people on Instagram and they are inspiring.   I want to be like them.   I want to balance on my...