Heather Moulden
Weekday Breakfast Ideas for Rushed Families
Planning and preparing weekday breakfast for our family is brutal, and one meal I wish that my kids could tackle themselves. Given that I...
Dear Babysitter, Advice When Looking For A Job In The “Real World”
My kids love their babysitter, except she just graduated and is currently looking for a job in her career field. Though we knew this...
How To Find the Right School For Your Children
As the dawn of a new school year approaches soon, finding the right school for your children can be a daunting task, but thankfully...
Need A Good Yorba Linda Restaurant? Try One of These!
I love trying new foods and restaurants. As a resident who also works here, I’m constantly on the go and wanting a good Yorba...
What I Learned From Getting A Dog Before Kids
It’s happening. I’m at the age now where I see couples — now families — who are losing their first pets as adults. I’m...
Panic On An Airplane
The airplane started bouncing and all I could think was this is not happening; I can’t die on a work trip.
Flight attendants had...
Kids, Please Don’t Answer The Door
“Kids, you remember that we NEVER answer the door for anyone, right?”
“Why not Mommy?”
“Because we don’t know who it is, and it doesn’t matter...
What I’ve Learned From Clothes Shopping
I had a moment yesterday when I inserted my card into the chip reader. The moment where my nose crinkled, my heart fluttered and...
How I’m Empowering My Daughter in a Selfish World
It’s hot. The windows are down, music is rocking and I’ve got my daughter in the car asking me to play a few pop...
Dear Kids, About That High School Crush…
Oh my dearest children, I’m a little afraid to tell you how I met your dad.
Because I was 14.
I now (in my...
How I Decided to Go Back to Work After Six Years Off
It’s 5:30 am in Hawaii and I’m watching the sun rise over the serene ocean and can’t wait to get my feet in the...
What I’ve Learned From My Modern Family Mom
Growing up I never knew my family was different. Looking back now through the lens of my own family, I realize that having three...
How I Updated My House With Reclaimed Wood
When we moved into our home it was a sea of tan. While I’m grateful the previous owners left me a blank slate, I...