Megan Phillips
Groceries: The Bane of My Existence
Every week, right around Tuesday, the food in my house becomes scarce - we have no groceries in sight. My husband will go through...
Scheduling Sex
Yup, I just said sex. We are going there. Dad, stop reading right
This post isn’t just meant to be scandalous, it’s meant to...
An Attitude Of Gratitude
This month has been a doozy, and it’s not even June yet. There have been so many moments where I just wanted to tap...
Mother’s Day for the Motherless-by-Choice
I’ve read several articles on how Mother’s Day is a hard holiday for some. Most of the themes focus on how painful it can...
The Thoughts That Go Through My Mind While Watching HGTV
One of my most favorite evening activities these days is pouring a glass of wine and watching HGTV before I pass out from exhaustion....
Why Strangers Aren’t The Real Danger
Let me start by saying that I hate writing about this topic. I hate thinking about the world as a scary place where I...
Where Do Your Clothes Live?
Well, it’s been a few months of this whole “full-time job” gig, and I have finally found a routine.
This involved a lot of trial...
St. Patrick’s Day Fever And How To Avoid It
As you can probably tell by now, I am the type of parent who does not like to go all out for things unless...
House Hunting With Tiny People
We have too much stuff.
It really is a first world problem. We live in 1300 square feet and we have run out of space...
The Medication Merry-Go-Round
This post may not relate to you. If it doesn’t, that means that you are in the wonderful camp of not having to give...
The Importance of Being Kind
This post was inspired by my almost-four-year-old who is charmingly unfiltered an innocent. My child is a bright, funny, outgoing, and wonderful little human...
Why Women Hate Each Other
Yes, that title was meant to grab your attention. This piece is controversial. It will make you feel things and it may make you...
The Art Of Falconry And Other Eclectic Hobbies
Now that 2016 has officially ended (hooray, Betty White is safe!), it’s time to look forward to a new year filled with hope and...
Establishing Traditions for the Tradition-less
In case you missed it, we are knee-deep in the holiday season.
It is certainly beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere you go....