Our back to school must-haves include supplies for both kids AND moms – especially since we will be supervising distance learning.
Virtual Schooling is going to require a few extra items this fall. You may be in the market for a new Chrome book or tablet. We’ve thought of everything from desks, comfy chairs, headphones, and more – and don’t forget the blue light glasses!
And thanks to our Affiliate Link sponsor Amazon for making this back to school must-haves list possible!
Virtual School Work Stations
Setting up a dedicated space for your child’s virtual schooling can help structure not only your child’s day but yours too! These back to school must-haves are some of our favorite desk/work stations.
With multiple zoom calls happening at once, having headphones for your child is a great investment. We love the ones that offer volume adjustment.
Comfy Chairs
Sitting on a kitchen chair is not going to cut it this fall – a comfortable desk chair can make all the difference in the world! Our back to school must-haves had to include comfort, because we are ALL about it!
Computers + Tablets
There are a lot of great deals on iPads, Chromebooks and more right now – even if you aren’t in the market it may be a good time to see what’s out there.
Paper, Writing Utensils, White boards + More!
Even though we will be virtual schooling, our kids are going to need to write things down. So be sure to have paper, writing utensils, and ink on hand. Check your printer – is it up to the task?
Mom Must-Haves
Getting organized is our first priority, and then of course wine. So check out our favorite mom must-haves for this back to school year!
We hope our list of Back To School Must-Haves will help you and your family prepare for this unprecedented school year! But don’t forget, you aren’t in this alone.