So what’s on the menu this week? Do you have a hard time figuring it out? Yeah, so do we! But – hey we are moms and we have to get that dinner on the table, am I right?!
So enjoy this week’s menu ideas and we hope that they help make your life a little easier because we are moms and we need a little ease in our lives!
I saw a big display for Gnocchi at Trader Joe’s and decided that I absolutely must make something out of it, right?! So this recipe just called to me! Obviously, you can take out the bacon or change it up for picky eaters.
Monday – Baked Chicken Caesar
I’m a big fan of caesar salad, chicken caesar wraps and so on – so anytime I can incorporate it into my dinner I will! This recipe is super easy and you can make it into anything, add a side or throw it into a wrap!
Tuesday – Creamy Tomato Risotto With Crispy Garlic Crumbs
I don’t feel like I eat risotto enough, so with that goal in mind – this recipe just stood out to me and plus I love garlic crumbs…like who doesn’t love garlic crumbs?!
Wednesday – Garlic Avocado Grilled Cheese Sandwich
I feel like Joey from friends with this easy dinner meal – Garlic, good, Avocado, good, Grilled Cheese, GOOD! So enjoy this recipe!
Thursday – Chipotle Tahini Bowls
This recipe is not only healthy but also just so delicious. Don’t get discouraged by making the sauce, you can do it!
Friday – Homemade Pizza
Yes, we do this every week. And no it most likely won’t change. Here’s the dough we use from the Pioneer Woman. I use whatever tomato sauce we happen to have laying around, BUT if I’m being super gourmet I will buy the pizza sauce from Trader Joe’s AND their Pizza seasoned shredded cheese.
Saturday – Beef with Pan-Fried Noodles
All I have to say is hello, lover. I love beef. I love noodles. I love Asian flavors. So, this recipe has it all!
Need more inspo? Check out our previous What’s On The Menu posts!