I don’t mind my girls wanting to be princesses, not anymore.
I consider myself a feminist. A woman should be so much more than a pretty lady wearing a corseted dress waiting for her prince charming to come and rescue her.
When I found out I was pregnant with a girl, I told everyone 1. No daughter of mine was ever going to wear pink. 2. I’m going to make sure her role model does not come from royalty. 3. There’s nothing that a man can do that a woman can’t.
As we all know, things change drastically once your child comes along. Nothing can prepare us for what’s to come.
While number 3 still holds true in our household, I had to eat my words on 1 and 2. Guess what color my daughter’s room is painted? Yes. Pink. And unfortunately, pink and princesses kind of come hand in hand. I’m proud of the fact my girls are strong willed and know what they want so early in life. However, it also creates quite a challenge for me even with a simple task like getting them dressed in the morning. I once tried to put a plaid button down shirt on my older one…she would not stop crying until I took it off. On the other hand, once I learned the power of two Ps: Pink and Princess…things became much easier.
Getting dressed in the morning? Ask them which princess costume they prefer. They’ll happily eat their breakfast and brush their teeth just so they can get into character faster. Trying to pick out stuff for them at the store? Stick to pink (and sparkly) and they’ll thank you for it.
I’m not much of a girlie girl myself. I rarely wear skirts nor do my hair and makeup. I felt like I needed to try harder to connect with my girls. So these days, I know the lyrics to every Disney princess song. We dance, sing and play dress up almost every day. I am perfectly fine with that.
Thanks to P & P, I’m a better mom that I was before and I’m able to get more accomplished. So for now, the plethora of pinks and princesses can stay. I mean, who knows how long this phase will last. I’m even considering dressing up as Mulan or Pocahontas next Halloween!
My name is Chelsea Yang. I live in Orange County, CA with my two toddler girls and hard-working husband. I’m a freelance fashion stylist and full-time mom. I graduated from UCLA with a Political Science degree and married my high school sweetheart. My previous professions include Fashion Merchandising, Product Development, and Visual Merchandising. My hobbies include Facebook, BST (Buy/Sell/Trade), bargain-hunting and making new friends. I aspire to be a feminist, humanitarian, entrepreneur and amateur comedian/motivation speaker.
Well said Ms. Chelsea! Girls are precious and beautiful with their p & p. At this age letting them participate in making healthy decisions is so important, today It’s princess dresses and tomorrow it’s wedding dresses. Enjoy the short time and let them help you make life easier!
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