We are SO excited to announce the winners of our Moms of the Year Campaign. We received so many submissions – it was such a difficult process to choose this year’s winners. But we are thrilled with our winners! Each and every mother below has an incredible story and we are humbled to be able to share it with you.
Thank you to our Moms of the Year Campaign Sponsors – YourMechanic & Michelle Ellis Realtor. Your support of the moms living in Orange County does not go unnoticed! We appreciate you!
A very special thank you to our amazing Photographer, Judi Jordan Photography!
We think she captured all of our winners perfectly. And we couldn’t be happier.
Thank you, Judi for supporting the moms living here in Orange County!

And now for your amazing Moms of the Year!!


Superpower – Managing 11 Children
Why we LOVE her – “We fell in love with your cool and calm attitude. We couldn’t believe you have 11 children – you look incredible and your poise and elegance are inspiring.”
I married my high school sweetheart in 2003. We decide to trust God after our first was born with how many children we would have. We now have 11 children. We had one miscarriage after #6, and that pain was eased after finding out we were having triplets 3 months later. I homeschool 5 of the 11 kids currently and we have a great time going on field trips to fun local places. I am blessed just to be here since our #11 baby tore open my uterus and was loose under my rib cage when they performed the emergency c section. This has made him our last baby due to the rupture almost killing us both. But God made it very clear that he would be our last that I would carry in my womb when the Drs warned against anymore. Our #11 was born on 11-11-17. We would love to adopt in the future, maybe once we get out of the 5 kids 2 and under chaos. I feel very honored to receive one of the moms of the year positions. I understand how being a mom can get hard sometimes and know that even when I just had my first 2 how overwhelming it could be. But I’m thankful for my 11 wonderful children who’ve helped me grow, and for my husband that has always been a hands-on dad and huge support. I couldn’t do it without him.

Superpower – Compassion for Everyone
Why we LOVE her – “You made us laugh so much. After all you have been through you still have the compassion to ask after others and to smile. We think you are something very special.”
Brooke is an amazing stepmom of two who just recently lost her husband due to a heart attack. In that same week, she also lost her dog. She has played an instrumental role in the lives of her stepchildren the last seven years implementing chore charts, the value of money, elf on the shelf fun, and has been to virtually all sports and dance events for her stepkids, all the while working full time at Cal State Fullerton. She is incredibly giving, donating her time and talent to charities and causes close to her heart. Brooke deserves to know that she has been an incredibly kind and generous bonus mom, a loving wife, an incredibly compassionate friend and a dedicated employee.

Superpower – Extremely Empathetic
Why we LOVE her – “What a pleasure it was to meet you, Kelli. We love the passion you have for your business and your sweet nature.”
I am a former school counselor and Marriage and Family Therapist who was born and raised in Orange County. I moved away for ten years and lived in San Francisco and Houston, and recently moved back to the OC (Not much has changed!). I have two children Autumn (3) and Sage (1) and a husband who travels all.the.time! I find motherhood overwhelming at times, and becoming a mom has taught me more about myself then anything else in my life. I recently started blogging and writing about motherhood, and also launched a website in January called Toys with Intent (www.toyswithintent.com). This site has become the outlet that I so desperately needed after becoming a mother of two.

Superpower – Fight Against Cancer Warrior
Why we LOVE her – “You reduced us to tear but also had us in fits of giggles recounting stories of Timmaree and your adventures with her incredible foundation. You truly are an inspiring women and we are blessed to have met you.”
Debbie is a wife and mother of 2 girls. Her oldest daughter, Timmaree, passed away in 2009 of pediatric cancer when she was only 9 years old. Prior to her passing, Debbie helped Timmaree form an organization called “Team Timmaree Rocks”. This was formed because Timmaree loved art and while she was in the hospital she would paint rocks for people to pass the time. This organization grew into a non-profit organization that, with the help of volunteers from all over Southern California, makes rock painting kits for children who are hospitalized at CHOC hospital. Debbie and her youngest daughter Brylee go to the hospital once a month and pass the rock kits out to the children. In addition DEBBIE does a lot of fundraising with Team Timmaree Rocks for CHOC Hospital. To date her efforts have raised over $300,000.00 for CHOC hospital. In addition to running Team Timmaree Rocks, she works full time helping retrain life skills to adults who have lost their ability to function daily due to a traumatic brain injury. She has a great passion for her job and grows close to her clientele. Debbie has such a passion for helping others that she learned American Sign Language in order to become a certified interpreter. She is able to interpret at work for people who have lost their hearing, and even was honored to interpret one of her clients weddings into American Sign Language. But Debbie doesn’t stop there, she also is a certified physical trainer. She gets up at the crack of dawn before going to work to go work out and train others as well in a fitness boot camp. One remarkable thing about Debbie is that she is always smiling. Whenever you see Debbie, she has a big giant smile on her face and she is usually laughing too. With all that has come her way, and everything she has endured rather than just shutting down, she perseveres on and even spreads cheer and laughter.

Superpower – Strength
Why we LOVE her – “we couldn’t help but feel touched when we read your beautiful story. We cannot imagine how proud your family must be of you. What a woman!”
Sophia raised three beautiful daughters Tracy, Lissa, and Jennifer into adulthood with her loving husband Max. They then did it all over again raising their now 20 year old grandaughter Breanna who came to live with them as an infant and who they legally adopted after their daughter Jennifer’s death in 2007. When most of their friends were traveling and lunching in their retirement Sophia was a hands on parent to Breanna, volunteering and helping out in every way possible. Lissa battled breast cancer for years and ultimately lost the fight a few years ago. Sophia was there for Lissa and her young grandchildren every step of the way. At every appointment and procedure, at every game and recital, and ultimately at her bedside for her last breathe. Tracy and her two children never received a lack of love and support from Sophia along the way either. Tracy refers to Sophia as her best friend and the greatest mom a girl could ask for. Sophie can not sit still. Now that everyone is grown she has taken on a part time job “just for fun!” Sophia and Max’s love and support for each other has been a constance inspiration in my own marriage.
Thank you to our amazing sponsors who showered our Moms of the Year with gifts galore! Thank you for supporting the moms in Orange County. You are so very much appreciated!
We have loved sharing the stories of local moms right here in the community. And we hope to continue to do so as we strive to make Orange County Moms Blog a place of encouragement and compassion for all moms!