When the tragic San Bernadino shootings occurred in December, though I had already spent the previous few weeks mourning for the victims in Paris, Beirut, and Colorado Springs, this particular event truly struck me to the core.
So I did some research and came up with the following links that provide information and ideas on how you can actively contribute your voice to this issue:
https://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/preventing-gun-violence: A good place to start is by reading up on the President’s plan to reduce gun violence on the White House website. If you agree with his proposal, you can sign up to support it right there on the site.
http://csgv.org/take-action/: The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence provides links to a variety of active petitions that you can sign and an easy tool that helps you contact your local congress member to voice your opinion as well as ways you can donate to support gun control legislation.
http://momsdemandaction.org/: Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America is a non-partisan grassroots organization that provides information and ways in which you can add your voice to the movement. It even includes an old-school tip for contacting your congressional representatives: Call the Capitol Hill switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
http://www.people.com/article/amy-shumer-rallies-fans-against-gun-violence-wake-san-bernardino-mass-shooting: Comedy “It” Girl of the moment Amy Schumer – whose movie TRAINWRECK was the target of a crazed gunman in Louisiana last summer – has been tweeting out suggestions such as ways to text, call, and email every one of your congressional representatives.
Text "enough" to 877-877 for the public to tell congress directly that we want background checks on ALL gun sales. Do it now! I did!
— Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) December 3, 2015
http://unloadyour401k.com/: If you’re looking for a less politically aggressive but equally effective idea, check out Unload Your 401k. Here you can search the name of your 401k provider against a list of those that invest in gun companies.
For more thoughts on how we can react positively when these tragedies occur, check out this post from our sister site in Boston.