If you are reading this then you likely have entered into one of the rites of passage in Motherhood – the teething years. Truth be told, there is light, oh so much light, at the end of this tunnel. But just like all other hard things in life, when you are in the thick of it things seem like they will never get better.
As both a pediatric dentist and a mom myself, I am here to tell you that things will in fact get better and the best thing we can do as mothers is to stay calm and offer as much comfort at this time as we can.
If you feel that you are out of ideas to try or ways to soothe your child, here are 6 teething tricks that I recommend to parents when they ask me for the ever sought after teething advice.
While these suggestions are far from a magic spell, they are handy ideas to have in your motherhood toolbox for the times when you are too tired to think of what you can do. And to make things even easier (because as mamas we thrive off of EASY!) I have come up with an easy way for you to remember these tips.
If you just remember this mnemonic phrase then you will always have a few teething tricks up your sleeve!
[M]oms [W]ill [M]ake [W]onderful [C]herished [M]emories
[M]esh Feeders With Cool Foods
Think things like cut up bananas, strawberries, blueberries, etc. You can place these fruits (or other such items) pre-cut into small containers or bags into your freezer so that they are ready to use. Simply fill up a mesh teether with the cool foods and let your little one go to town! The sweetness of the fruits will be delicious and distracting while the coolness will be both soothing and slightly numbing on the gum tissue. Mesh teethers can be found on Amazon or at your local Target, Walmart, or other such stores.
[W]ashcloth Straight From The Freezer
Another idea that takes just a slight amount of preparation. Simply wet a few small washcloths and toss them into the freezer so they are ready when needed. Twist one corner into a ball and hold it for your little one to gnaw on. The texture of the washcloth will give the gum tissue a massage while the coolness will be soothing and have a slight numbing effect on the gum tissue.
[M]assage (Gum Or Jaw)
If your babe does not have very many teeth in yet – or if you are just feeling brave, a manual finger massage on the gums is one of the best ways to relieve teething pressure. Just be sure that your fingers are clean and germ-free before trying this one out!
The act of gently massaging the gums helps to place a counter pressure on the areas of the gum tissue that the teeth are erupting in. This counter pressure helps to diminish the pain sensation. While this is not practical 24 hours a day, it is an almost sure fire way to get some comfort to your little one.
For those babies that already have a handful of teeth in the mouth, you may not want to go sticking your fingers in there as you are almost sure to get bit (trust me, hazard of the job over here LOL) so sticking to a cheek, outer ear, and jaw massage may be helpful in this situation.
[W]arm Rice Bag
If you have a rice pillow or other such warm compress, the combination of light pressure and warm sensations can help soothe a young one in discomfort. This can be especially effective when toddlers are getting in their molar teeth. If you are able to add any aromatherapy (such as lavender) to your warm compress (to the rice not to your baby’s skin) this may be even more effective. Just be sure to not go overboard with this, one drop is usually sufficient.
A warm compress snuggle with mom or dad may be all your little one needs during this uncomfortable period. Just be sure that the compress is warm and NOT hot as your child’s skin is much thinner and more sensitive to temperature.
[C]hamomile Tea
**As this is technically an “herbal medicine” I would certainly advise checking with your child’s pediatrician before using this method**
If your baby is over 6 months old you can try the home teething remedy of soaking the corner of a washcloth in brewed chamomile tea and letting your child chew on the wash cloth. The chamomile can help to calm and relax your baby and this can help ease their discomfort and pain. Always be sure the tea is caffeine free and that the temperature is not hot (cold to lukewarm temps are best).
When all else fails, there is certainly nothing wrong with giving the occasional dose of Motrin or Tylenol to your child. Of course follow the directions on the packaging and never use on a consistent basis, but on those occasional hard nights this is a good fall back option.
You all may be wondering if I forgot to include a few things.
While there are a few popular things not mentioned – such as topical essential oils, amber necklaces, and topical numbing gels – I have purposefully excluded these from the list. For the most part these methods have proved safe and there are even many stories of the wonders they have worked for some families.
However, there are small percentages of children that do not process these medicines/products well which can lead to serious medical complications. In regards to the amber necklaces, I can not in good conscience recommend a young child wearing something around their neck or wrist, no matter what additional safety precautions are taken. I am not only a dentist, but a mother myself, and even the teeniest chance is too much of a risk in my opinion.
I do want to say that I know many parents who have used the above methods with success and I certainly do not feel that they were placing their child in harms way – they were simply doing what they felt was best for their child and that is always what a parent should do. So, NO judgment here, just my opinion!
Just remember “This too shall pass” and before you know it, you will wish you had a teething baby to cuddle instead of a teenager with a list of (likely expensive) demands! Just love on those babies as much as you can and you will both get through this together!