Yes you read that right; there is a museum of ICE CREAM in Los Angeles, right on our doorstep. And it’s EPIC.
This place is literally an Instagrammer’s dream. My boys were in awe of the beautiful millennials and their photography skills. (Who am I kidding. So was I. Did my skin ever look that youthful?!) It’s also a giant kids fun zone. We had an absolute blast there and it’s one of those things you should experience if you can!
There are currently Museum of Ice Cream locations in Miami, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Last I checked, the website said LA is relocating so we are excited to find out where and revisit once tickets become available. Cost is the biggest downside to visiting the Museum of Ice Cream. At $38 a ticket it’s a costly visit especially when you consider it only takes about 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes to visit the museum. Because of this, the Museum of Ice Cream isn’t going to be for everyone. Do be prepared for a lot of people taking MANY photos of themselves, and for a bit of a wait when you first arrive. They have a great area where you can wait with the kids if they find it hard to wait in lines.
Did I mention there’s free ice cream? Yep, you read that correctly. F R E E ice cream. And candy. The bad news is that tickets for the Museum of Ice Cream are currently sold out. The good news is that you can sign up to their newsletter to get info on when it will release more tickets.
Check out the photos from our super fun afternoon there to see if you think it’s something you’d love to do with the family (or even as a girls trip!)
Our photos for the MOIC

As you can see, we had an absolute blast at the museum of ice cream and we would definitely visit again! It isn’t going to be for everybody, but we love ice cream and candy and taking photos so it’s perfect for us.