Welcoming our son into the Magic Maker’s Club was something I knew I always wanted to do. Well, at least after I decided not to veto Santa and we began our Christmas traditions that included a splash of Santa. There are several stories and blogs out there about how to break the truth about Santa, but I was inspired by this one in particular.
In deciding to “do Santa” I always vowed that I wouldn’t ever lie.
This “Santa” of ours wouldn’t be watching all the time, send an Elf on the Shelf to spy, or live in the North Pole. Our Santa was whatever magic the kids thought up, picked up from a book or a movie or a friend from school.
Whenever they asked me a question, I would answer it with another question.
Mom, does Santa really live in the North Pole and make toys in a toy shoppe?
Well, what do you think buddy?
I am not sure.
Me, either, buddy.
This way, when the cat did get out of the bag, they couldn’t be devastated and reflect on all the times we lied to them.
Above all as a parent, I needed and wanted my kids to trust me. Always.
This past Christmas felt different with our then 8-year-old. His questions were a little more pointed, but he left a LOT unsaid. My husband and I knew the time was coming to tell our son about making magic instead of just receiving the magic but decided to wait for the right moment. Honestly, I was nervous. How would he react to learning about the Magic Maker’s Club?
I didn’t want him to grow up in this way just yet but I wanted him to really hear what we were saying.
Easter was approaching and talk of the bunny coming began. I could sense our oldest’s eye rolls, but he played along. The day before Easter, Rick and I just knew it was time. The three of us went to the garage to look for the Easter baskets and we told him today was the big day. Today, we welcome him into the Magic Maker’s Club. He was excited but cautious because he had never heard of such a club.
So we explained that magic makers were just that, makers of magic.
That we were the Easter Bunny, and Santa, and the Tooth Fairy. That the best part of hiding treats and wrapping presents was knowing that we created magic in our children’s hearts, the same magic that we wanted HIM to create. He was at the age where he was big enough and strong enough and thoughtful enough to BE a magic maker. He was ecstatic. Keep saying, “This is so cool.”
Of course, then he had 1000 questions.
What about the time Santa built bunk beds?
That was us!
Disneyland last year? You did that all for us?
We sure did buddy.
The more he realized how much thought we put into our magic making, the more I think he appreciated us as his parents.
It was that evening, that he realized that his dad and I had never lied to him. (The following week, we would face one of the biggest medical challenges of his life, and the fact that we had never lied to him before would prove to be PIVOTAL in his trust in all the things happening.)
So he and I left for Target and he got to be the Easter Bunny with me. And on the way to the store we called the grandparents and they all got to welcome our boy to the other side, the magic making side.
The best part was the giggles as we pretended he went to bed that night while he waited for the little kids to go to sleep and snuck out to put together the baskets.
And as we are starting to prepare for Christmas this year, I can already see his wheels turning for how he can help make this the most magical first Christmas in California. And I am so thankful that this is the path we took, but it truly is magic making.
How do you handle Santa? Have you thought about how you will handle “the truth” with your kids? Share with us your thoughts!