I just want to preface this by saying I am in no way a doctor, medical professional, or health expert. But I believe that friends are just as important to a healthy lifestyle as exercise.
I am lucky. Like truly, incredibly, and beyond reason lucky. I found my person when I was in sixth grade.
If you’ve ever watched Grey’s Anatomy then you are familiar with the phrase your person or my person. If you haven’t watched it – go do it because it’s awesome – your person or my person is a reference to the one human being on Earth who gets you.
The human being who no matter what will do whatever it takes to support you no matter what your life choices are. They are your champion, your hero, your confidant – they help you navigate life in a way that no one else has been able to do up until that point. They are your other half – an extension of your own self.
And to me, doing life without my person would be so much more lonely. Yes, I have my husband and my family, but there is something so special about a friend.
Friends are the exercise for our souls.
If you think about exercise and how it incredibly beneficial to our bodies, with the endorphins being released and all of that, I believe that friendships are just as beneficial but for our souls.
And just like exercise, maintaining a friendship takes work and effort which can all be harder when babies are born and children are being raised.
But oh how it is worth it!
While I don’t see my friends as often as I would like and I don’t talk to them as much as I want – they are my people. Living life with your person or your friendship group makes all of the heavy things in life more bearable, it gives so much meaning to the celebrations, it is what the soul needs.
Friendship is to the soul what exercise is to the body – it’s my story and I’m sticking to it!