Halloween countdown begins. Fall festivities fill up the weekends. Off we go to the pumpkin patch, trunk or treating, and apple picking. The kids are excited and diligently planning what super hero, princess, or ghoul they want to be this year. You run from Halloween store to Target to Walmart in search for just the right costume. If you’re lucky, you snag something a few weeks prior so that your little one can get all the use they can out of their decked out ensemble and hope that they don’t change their mind before the big night. (Sigh #Momlife). But what about mom? You deserve to look BOO-tiful too, no?
My Halloween Checklist:
- Pumpkin carving
- Kids costumes
- Trick or treating route
- Halloween candy
- Mom’s Halloween Costume?????
Some of you (definitely not myself) are ultra creative and organized and come up with a themed costume to match your family and it turns out absolutely adorable. I applaud you for that and envy you a little for your organizational skills and through.
For the rest of us…we can’t even keep the store-bought kids costume intact because they wear it all month long. To the grocery store, park, and play dates dressed as Tinker Bell with last year’s Superman cape. By the time Halloween gets here, we hope we have all the pieces intact.
Yes, I am THAT MOM. I like to wing things.
I am a hot mess who is never organized, but can throw something together and improvise on a moment’s notice on the way out the door. So the last thing I want to do is come up with a cute and clever costume for myself. Don’t get me wrong, my husband would probably love it if I bought a cute/sexy costume from Spirit Halloween.
But let’s be real: chasing after my kids in a tight-fitting Elvira dress with high heels and a wig on is not my cup of tea.
I will save that for date night (wink, wink).
I would much rather be in a cute comfy tee with a witty Halloween saying and some simple spooky makeup. Ta Da! You have a complete and stylish “Mom costume” ready for trick or treating!
Here’s list of some of BOO-tiful tops and sweaters and where to get them.
The best part is these tops I found are something you can wear all month long and then tuck away for next Halloween! I encourage you to treat yourself!

By the way, new customers can get 10% off their first order at www.wooden-ships.com using the code “WELCOME 10.”

Happy Halloween Mamas!