Megan Phillips
Weaponized Incompetence From Dads And The Mental Load For Moms
I’d like to start off this post about weaponized incompetence and the mental load by crediting important content creators who started a dialog about...
How To Overcome The 21st Century Social Comparison Trap
“Comparison is the thief of joy.”
—Theodore Roosevelt
To start off this piece, I have to drop some of my undergrad psychology knowledge on you, sorry!
The Day My Baby’s Brain Broke
If you ask my three-year-old why Mommy and Daddy were in the hospital for a week with his sister, he would tell you that...
“Stefani Germanotta You Will Never Be Famous”
For those of you who may not know this story, Stefani Germanotta is the given name of the superstar, Lady Gaga. When Stefani was...
Surviving In A Mixed COVID-19 Household
I’m sure you have heard of ethnically, religiously diverse households, right? There are many resources to help families navigate the different traditions and possible...
My Child Has ADHD And It Brings Out the Worst in Me
I’m not the mom I want to be. Not even close. And I’m not talking about how I see “perfect” moms on social media...
The Last Of The Firsts After Having Three Kids
This week, one of my best friends brought me into her inner world to tell me that she was newly pregnant after years of...
The NICU Mom Badge: What To Expect If Baby Goes To The NICU
This year, I earned a parenting badge I never wanted. I decided to wear it proudly and talk about it because this badge can...
Three Is The New Two: Adventures In Three Kids, Part I
Have you heard? Three is the new two.
I blame Kate Middleton for making having three kids look easy. I’m sure it’s not, but she...
My Wish For The Future Of Boyhood in America
Today, my little man turned six. This produced a cascade of feelings because I both miss my tiny baby and I’m eager to watch...
Some Days, I Just Want To Be The Dad
Full disclosure, this post is based on stereotypical gender roles. Also, I should mention that my husband and I have a pretty egalitarian relationship...
What Is Up With The PTA?
I’m going to start right off and admit that I’m still a newbie, but so far, the PTA is INTENSE.
I joined the PTA before...
Do You Pee When You Cough?
This is a conversation that I had recently on a playground with another mom. "Do you pee when you cough?" She was asking this question...
When “Wine-O-Clock” Hides An Addiction
We’ve all seen the wine-o-clock memes on Facebook. They say things like, “It’s been one of those weeks…pass the wine” with an impressively large...