Hey Mom, is the Easter bunny real? Does Santa really exist? No baby, but the Laundry Fairy does and that’s way better. The Laundry Fairy (along with the Coffee Goddess) make it so Mommy can function and seem somewhat productive.

I hate laundry. I really do. I know some people say they hate it, but I think they really just don’t like it. I really hate it. I particularly hate it because our washer and dryer are in the garage which means I have to walk ALL the way down the stairs with a heavy basket of dirty clothes and then up and down many more times to switch the loads and carry them back up. Okay, let’s be real, I am so privileged to even have a washer and dryer so I need to shut my ungrateful mouth, but I really don’t like it. I would rather scrub my toilet. In fact, I kind of enjoy scrubbing my toilet. Weird.
Because of this disdain for laundry, my clothes pile up (and up and up) until eventually I run out of underwear and decide to do a load of laundry. Then I get really motivated and do all of our laundry and promise myself I will keep up with it this time. ‘It’s not that hard’ I tell myself. Just do one to two loads a week and you will be golden. Then a week or two goes by and I’m buried again in dirty clothes. Fail. Rinse and repeat.
This spin cycle was finally interrupted a few weeks back when I was introduced to The Green Clean Cleaners in Anaheim Hills. They are my new laundry fairy. Here’s what they do:
1.) You leave your dirty laundry in trash bags on your front porch. The owner of the company will text you and let you know that your laundry has been picked up.
2.) The owner picks up your laundry. They wash it, fold it, dry clean it if necessary, and the owner returns it to your front porch smelling fresh and folded perfectly. You are then sent a text by the owner that your clean laundry is waiting for you at your front door. (They will also ask for your preference of laundry detergent. Hooray for hypoallergenic detergent!)
3.) You smile and relax because someone else just did the very chore you hate doing.
4.)And the best part is, because you’ve read my amazing post you now can receive 50% OFF 1st Dry Cleaning order (new clients only) and $2.49/LB for laundry service which includes complimentary pick up and delivery service.
Sounds pretty amazing, right? It is.
I know it can seem a bit extravagant or luxurious to have someone else do your laundry, but it doesn’t have to be every week (although if you decide to have it done every week, no judgment, just jealousy). ‘Momming’ is hard work. Let’s give ourselves a break every now and then and let someone else do our laundry. Check out their website here to get a full idea of what they do (hint: they do a lot more than just laundry!)
Check out their Facebook Page to redeem the above offer!!!
You’re welcome.