This year is the year of simplifying my life. I am reading a book about living more simplified and I am READY to declutter and get more organized. Which is why I love YourMechanic for helping me in this process.
I realize that auto repair is probably not at the top of your list for simplifying your life, but it should be! If you keep up with the regular maintenance on your car you will be less likely to be stung by a huge surprise or worse have something go wrong while you’re on the 91 freeway with a car full of kids on your way to a birthday party and have to call roadside assistance. Or is that just me?
Simplifying Your Life with YourMechanic
So how exactly does YourMechanic help to simplify? First, and the biggest game changer for any mother, is that they come to your home and perform the maintenance in your driveway! Right here your life is simplified. There is no worrying about how you are going to sit for an hour or two in a tiny auto repair shop waiting room with a toddler who likes to lick the floor.
In fact, you could schedule your service for when your child is napping and then feel zero guilt for catching up on your favorite reality show!
The other thing that is so wonderful about YourMechanic is that you can pre-schedule all of your regular maintenance. It’s all online. It’s SO EASY! Think about the oil changes and the tire rotations and the things that your car needs throughout the year. Crosscheck that with your personal calendar and simply make the appointments. You can literally make them now for the entire year!
Now, you might think, but I don’t know what I’m going to be doing in six months on Tuesday at three o’clock. That’s okay! You can always reschedule as the date gets closer. Or, if scheduling that far in advance gives you an eye-twitch – simply put a reminder in your phone to make that appointment.
I scheduled an appointment to get my car an oil change and was pleasantly surprised to find that they had an opening the very next day.
I also love that when you make an appointment with YourMechanic you know EXACTLY how much it is going to cost – which again helps with the simplifying your life. You can easily budget for that amount and not close your eyes as you hand the auto-repair man your credit card because you are shocked at the amount.
And YourMechanic even has price comparisons on their website – transparency with YourMechanic makes me trust them even more.
Simplifying your life means more time with your family and isn’t that what we all want? Thanks to YourMechanic you can simplify and enjoy that time while taking care of your vehicles all at the same time.