“Want to go on an adventure?” I asked my four-year-old. His immediate response was YES! “Well,” I said, “We are going on a kindness adventure today!”
So what exactly is a kindness adventure?
Basically, we went around town and did acts of kindness together. I was inspired to go on the adventure with my children by the owner of City Moms Blog Network, Steph Flies.
She always says,
Sprinkle kindness like glitter.
And so, we decided to sprinkle some kindness around Orange County.
The first stop in our kindness adventure was at Starbucks. I let my four-year-old pick who we would buy coffee for. I even let him do the paying.
The next stop was Target where we filled two shoeboxes full of toys for a local Moms Club charity drive.
After that, we stopped at Costco!
If anyone has ever tried to go to Costco with two little ones at noon, you then know how dedicated I was to finishing our kindness adventure!
We bought flowers for a neighbor who is going through really rough time. And then we bought dinner for our other neighbors.
And that was the end of our little kindness adventure. We didn’t do a ton and we didn’t spend a lot, but I truly feel like this is something my kids will always remember – and THAT is important.
When I was younger my dad had to work a lot of Saturdays and so my mom would take us to Burger King as a treat. We would all share our fries in one big pile. I still remember that to this day.
I highly doubt my mom was trying to create some memory for us. She was just doing something small to make us feel special since our dad had to work.
Our kids will remember. Our kids will imitate us.
And so if my kids are going to remember anything I hope they remember to be kind. I hope they remember how when they were younger their mom took them on a kindness adventure. (And hopefully more than just one. I’m working on the next one!)
So follow along – and go on your own #kindnessadventure! Tag us! We want to see you sprinkle kindness like glitter!